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Pet Supplements And Nutritious Dog Food For Your Dog

26 18:06:11
When Dogs are sick they can lose their appetite. A side effect of traditional cancer therapies, for both human beings and animals, is loss of appetite. This can be a real problem for dogs who are suffering from cancer because, unlike people, they do not understand the need for nutrition and will not eat if they don't feel like it. It is up to their owners to ensure their nutritional intake is adequate not only to maintain a normal level of health but also to fight cancer.

If your dog has cancer, you need to adjust his diet so that it is easier to digest and does not contain anything that could place more stress on his body such as commercial dog food with their often toxic ingredients. You will need to nurture your pet like you would a sick child. Therefore you need to choose his diet and nutritional supplements very carefully. There are foods you should include in your dog's diet and foods you should avoid if he has any form of cancer.

Help for a sick pet - good food and the right supplements
Traditional cancer treatments can cause nausea and vomiting so it is important to exclude foods that can make these symptoms worse. Simple carbohydrates should be limited or avoided altogether because they can add to nausea and vomiting. Your dog's diet should include easily digestible protein and an adequate amount of amino acids including arginine, cystine, and glutamine. It is also very important to include regular amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids in his diet.

K-9 Omega, fish oil softgels or capsules that accelerate cellular repair and reduces metastasis.This can be done through supplementation or by adding some fatty fish like tuna or salmon to his meals. Omega-3 fatty acids are very important components to immune system strength.

Other pet supplements that aid recovery:
Vitamin E 400 iu per day
Selenium 100 mcg per day
Beta-carotene - or raw carrots, grated, if the dog likes them
Grape seed extract

Herbal supplements boost nutrition and aid in quick recovery
Probably the easiest way to be absolutely sure your dog is getting all the essential nutrients he needs is to add an herbal pet supplement to his diet.

Excellent results have been obtained with this herbal supplement combination. Even if your pet is not eating as much as you would like, a good delicious and nutritious dog food plus herbal supplements will give your dog every assistance to fight the cancer and recover his health.

It is not difficult to cook a quick and easy meal for a sick dog:

Pet mix can be used with cooked or raw meat. Normally I put my 5 pounds of meat and a gallon of water in the crock pot and let them cook overnight. Then I empty the meat and broth into a large bowl and add the pet mix. And add the other to the remaining meat and crock in the crock pot. I let them sit together until cool.

For a raw meat diet, just boil one gallon of water - add pet mix and turn off the heat - let sit until hydrated. Mix with raw meat and store. Meat should be cut into small pieces.Sometimes I add raw carrots, yogurt or eggs to my pet mix.However, dogs with cancer may need a bit of digestive help by having any raw veggies shredded and steamed.