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Busting The Dog Training Myths

27 16:10:46
Training your dog can be easy. There are two ways to train your dog: do it yourself or hire a trainer. Either way is fine it just depends on your lifestyle and the time and energy you have for training your dog.

There are several basic steps that you need to follow to ensure having that you have the happiest and best trained dog on your block. The steps may seem simple, but they do require you to plan ahead to make sure you can follow these steps.

* Dog Training should not be overly strict. The dog does not know why he is being trained. Your dog should see this as a fun activity and so should you.

* Dog Training should be consistent i.e. allowing the dog to sleep on couch one day but not the next is confusing to your dog. You should also only use single words for each command.

* If using a trainer, you must analyze how the trainer works to determine if their personality and training style is a good fit for you and your dog. Some might use bribes or rewards, some might use clickers.

* Dog Training takes time and patience. It will not happen overnight and sometimes it may be frustrating if there appears to be a lack of progress. Perseverance is key, but your dog can and will be trained.

There are also numerous dog training aids available to help you if you decide to train your dog yourself. You will also need to determine how much you are willing or able to spend. Training aids can run from a few dollars up to hundreds of dollars.

Dog training will take time and energy, but it is also satisfying. Your dog will be happy, healthy and a well behaved member of your family and neighborhood.