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Reasons Why You Need To Be Aware Of Resistance Training Benefits

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Reasons Why You Need To Be Aware Of Resistance Training Benefits


Resistance training may be a fairly new term, but this type of exercise has been performed by people throughout history. Modern research and doctors have shown that this type of exercise can provide a wide variety of benefits. For those of you that are not doing resistance training of any kind, there are a few reasons why you should start.

The local gym, which it used to be filled with younger guys trying to bulk up by lifting weights, has seen a gradual change. People at the gym now consist of a blend of young and old, some of which are doing resistance training in order to build muscle and bone strength. Throughout your system, in your 30s or 40s, bone mass begins to diminish. To keep the weight off, you're going to have to exercise more and eat less compensate for your metabolism slowing down. To make your bones more dense and increase your metabolism, you must incorporate resistance training into your daily regimen. Resistance training, for those of you who would rather not go to the gym, can still be done in the comfort of your own home. To make this work, you would have to invest in cables or resistance bands to do some of the exercises with this type of training. By doing pull-ups and chin-ups a few times a week, you will effectively be doing proper resistance training exercises. You can even do exercises such as push-ups that require no equipment at all. The exercises devised by the fitness expert Charles Atlas some half century ago were called Dynamic Tension and involved using nothing more than the body's own resistance. Regardless of where you would prefer to work out, you can still do resistance training at the gym or at home.

It is easy to burn body fat because it is a natural byproduct of doing resistance workouts. Despite popular belief, the best way to burn calories is not by doing aerobic exercise.

To burn calories faster, weight training is one of the best ways to quickly increase your metabolism. Doing a resistance routine will not only induce an anaerobic effect, but help you to build a stronger more muscular body. This type of workout is perfect if you are trying to lose weight. Exercising on a stationary bike or treadmill is a perfect way to add more resistance and improve your routine.

Young or old, a resistance routine is perfect for improving your health and increasing your strength. Only doing a few moderate workouts per week can be beneficial according to the latest research. So if you want to start enjoying the advantages offered by resistance training, choose an exercise program that appeals to you, and get started.