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Simple Dog Training Tips

27 12:10:06
The aim of dog training is to build a relationship between the canine and his master, which is the owner. It starts with communication, which will enhance how the dog behaves toward his surroundings. You have to remember however, that the way that they behave is not brought about by their breed, size, or their age. The way they act is brought about by their surroundings and it can be improved with proper training.

• If you did your research, you will learn that dogs are innately playful but they can be grumpy and will bark at anyone that they see or meet. This is one of the complaints of their owners. They fear that their pet will just jump or bite anyone that passes their way. The safety of their neighbors and of the passersby might be compromised. This is some of the reason why they want their pup to be trained. This kind of situation needs serious remedy and must be handled well.

• For hyperactive canines, teaching them how to obey can be a one big tough challenge. This will not be easy on people who do not have any experience in training dogs. If you will think of it, if you love your pet, you can teach them even just the basics. In order to do this, you have to do some research work about it. As you learn, you will know that the bite of a puppy will not severely hurt you even if their teeth are sharp but their jaw is still weak. With the adults, their teeth are dull but watch out for their jaw, they could really bite off your skin and some of your flesh. As their trainer, you have to gradually teach them to obey your commands and that is to stop biting things that they see. If they will get the hang of it, they will refrain from doing it.

• Dogs have short memory span, you have to continuously remind them of your commands. If they forget it, don't fret. They have this ability to associate what you have taught them to certain things that would remind them of your teachings. Be patient when you deal with them and you have to be determined to make them learn.

• Another thing that you have to remember is that canines must understand why you are reprimanding them when they do something bad. When you tell them "no", it might not be enough. One way of punishing them is by ignoring them or by not giving them any treats, which they love to munch on. But if they are obedient and easily follow your order, they deserve some treats. Do not also forget to praise them for it will motivate them more to be good and obedient.

Excellent dog training is the key to make your pet to be the best that they can be. Every order that you command to them will be followed and their bad habits that irritate you will be gone. They will trust you more and respect you as well.