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Stop Barking Dogs The Easy Way

27 16:13:20
This has been a part of our lives at one point or another. Someone has a dog that barks all the time and it doesn't ever seem to stop. What makes it even worse is when it is you own dog that is causing all that ruckus and you have no clue how to stop barking dogs or where to even start.

Thankfully all dogs bark for a reason, even though we may not always know right off the bat what reason that is. More often than not, your dog is barking to warn you of strangers that are walking near your home.

If your dog barks all the time you may need to look at several different possible causes to make sure you find the right one that will help stop your barking dog. Boredom seems to be the main culprit. Not spending enough times with our dogs causes them to bark for attention and to dogs, any attention is good attention.

Always make sure that your dog has plenty to eat and drink because a hungry dog will turn to barking in order to let you know he is hungry or thirsty. Also, check the temperature outside. Is it very hot or very cold? If so, consider giving your dog some relief by letting him come inside or at least getting him a dog house where he can have some protection from the elements.

So in reality, the trick to stop barking dogs is three fold. Make sure they have their immediate needs of food, water and shelter. Spend some quality time with them and have something for them to play with when you are not home. Chew toys work great for this.

Dog obedience training will also make a huge difference as you will be able to give your dog a command when necessary that lets him know when to stop barking. Plus, dog training will also help you and your dog develop a stronger relationship and bond.

Consider your neighbors. This is something I am well aware of because I was the neighbor of a chronic barker myself and I am well aware of how stressful it can be to have a dog you don't own bark all throughout the day and night. Don't be upset if your neighbor comes to you in desperation asking you to do something about the barking. Consider the possibility that your dog may bark a lot more when you are not home.

Even though our goal is to stop dog barking, we don't want to get rid of it completely. Barking is the easiest way for our dogs to communicate with us and we don't want to destroy that ability. So be sure to make sure his needs are fulfilled and then teach him when it is alright to bark and of course, when to stop barking.