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Heres A Quick Way To Train Your Dog Or New Puppy

27 16:11:27
For a complete manual on training your dog as well as free dog training tips, the sit stay fetch product is outstanding. As a dog owner, I have always wanted to learn more about the different methods and approaches used by professional dog trainers.. This is a complete guide which covers the basic and more advanced techniques.

This manual is just full of excellent information. How to choose the right dog for your family, where to find him or her, how to get your home ready for this new family member, how to deal with behavior problems, how to house train your new friend, what are the health issues that you need to be concerned about, and what are some advanced tricks that we can work on ? All of the above are covered in good detail, to help you make the right choices and decisions.

In addition to the above, there is also an excellent complete section of dog whispering, which is a new training method based on clear communication and respect. It is becoming more popular all the time and is well known as alternate and humane method for discipling and training your dog. Dog whispering uses voice and body language techniques calmly but assertively to control, correct and train your new, or old, pet. Basic step by step instructions are included for sit, come, stay, down etc.

Included with your purchase are several very good books. Topics covered are house training your dog using either the paper or crate methods, using your dog for security, handling aggressive behavior and health issues such as dental care, nail length and clipping as well as grooming.

There is such a wealth of knowledge provided with this package, that even an experienced dog handler will be impressed. You are even provided with an email address to receive free additional instruction or guidance and tips, if needed.

Many the methods provide a basic conventional approach to dog training while others will require more effort from both you and your dog in order to achieve some rather dramatic changes, as is the case with dog whispering. Because there is so much to choose from, you are free to select the best solution or approach for both you and your favorite pet.

If you thinking about getting a new dog, or if you just want to have more fun and enjoyment for both you and your best friend, look no further. This book with all its info and step by step guides will provide an interesting development exercise. I have been able to learn things that a lifetime around dogs could never teach me. Highly Recommended.