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Why Am I Not Cured Yet From My Crones Disease? A New Approach

27 18:18:16
Why are there still people suffering from bad depressions, psychological disturbing ailments, why can we not even cure a simple flu? Are we really that clever as we tend to think?

In fact, maybe actually the major part of existing illnesses, whether psychological or physical, are not curable in the traditional ways doctors are using.

What is the real cause of illnesses

Imagine a situation, in which we would know in advance that someone was going to develop a tumor in seven days. Imagine that we would perform an experiment in a hospital. The experiment would be to perform a MRI daily, to pinpoint exactly when a person goes from being cancer-free to having a tumor. From day one through to day six, the MRI reports a clear scan. On day seven, suddenly abnormal cells representing a tumor appear.

The MRI scans on the first six days did not show anything that would be a start of a tumor, which means that the place where the tumor was going to start was undetectable by the test.

Stanford researcher and cellular biologist, Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. released landmark research in 1998. In his research, he proves that an undetectable cause is the cause of the tumor in our example 95% of the time.

Dr. Lipton built upon Albert Einstein's e=mc (Everything is a form of energy) to scientifically prove the unseen cause of our hypothetical tumor.

"It is possible there exist human emanations that are still unknown to us. Do you remember how electrical currents and 'unseen waves' were laughed at? The knowledge about man is still in its infancy." (Albert Einstein)

Many forms of energy and vibrations are already used in the hospitals for diagnosis and treatment. EEG, CAT, MRI and the crushing of kidney stones all make use of certain frequencies and vibrations.

You probably know about the "fight or flight" response of our body. What you probably do not know, is that each and every cell reacts to this principle: If your body is in "fight or flight" mode, your cells go from growth mode into self-protection mode. Now, this does not seem to bad, but if you realize that a cell in growth mode is healthy and not susceptible to disease, and that a cell in self-protection mode is very vulnerable and not able to feed himself with the needed nutrients, you will understand why it matters. If we are under constant stress, our body is in constant "fight or flight" mode, and our cells are constantly closed and vulnerable to disease. Stress originates for a big part in our own system, in something we call "wrong beliefs".

What, then, is a "Wrong belief"?

Pierce Howard, Ph.D., in his recent book, The Owner's Manual for the Brain, shows we store all our data in our brain in the form of pictures. When we recall memories, we will find them in the form of pictures, and when we are reminded of something which happened in the past, it will be in the form of a picture too.

Every picture has feelings and thoughts attached to it. If you think back at a particular traumatic experience, you probably sense the fear in your body, the moment the thought comes in your mind. If you think back at a nice warm afternoon with your fmily in the park, you will probably feel happy and warm inside when you have that thought.

Sadness, shame, fear, anger... they are all based on pictures in our mind. What you belief about yourself or others is strongly linked to the pictures in your mind too. When you have to decide about which decision to make in a given situation, the database you search for available information exists of the pictures in your mind.
  • A thought is a rational reasoning about something that happens now or that happened in the past. A feeling is an experience of something that happens now or that happened in the past. All these "things which happened in the past" are stored as pictures in your brain. A belief is an interpretation of one or more of these pictures.

  • If we interpret images from the past, especially from our earliest youth, it is easy to make a misinterpretation. A small child of 4 years old will give a certain meaning to something that happens. Maybe his mother went out shopping and forgot to tell him, and he might be scared to be left alone, because he beliefs that "people can disappear suddenly". Some of these erratic beliefs will be corrected during our lives; some will persist into our adult years. Many of our wrong beliefs will persist, because our brain is not capable to make a new interpretation of the same picture. If we want to correct our wrong beliefs, the easiest and probably only way, is to change the underlying pictures. This, by the way, is normal mainstream NLP (Neuro Lingustic Programming).

    In 2001, Dr. Alex Loyd discovered a very effective mechanism in the body that fixes the destructive underlying pictures. This mechanism is the hidden fuse box in the body that heals the pictures when the correct switches are flipped. By healing the underlying pictures, you heal wrong beliefs, which instantly heal destructive energies, which consistently heal...everything. According to his data, 99.5% of the thousands of people who have used The Healing Codes self-treatments as prescribed, have healed completely or dramatically. Furthermore, nobody who has done The Healing Codes self-treatments, as prescribed, has developed a major disease. Heart Rate Variabality results show immediate balancing of the autonomic nervous system. (HRV is one of the very few accurate tests to measure stress).


    Stress is the major single factor, which underlies most diseases and illnesses. Stress itself cannot be cured, but we can cure the underlying causes, if we know how. Since stress is almost every single time directly related to a memory of an experience in the past, we have to change the pictures which represent those memories, and to which the negative emotions and limiting beliefs are "glued". Since 2001, a new system exists which allows us to cure the cause of the malfunctioning of our body in cell-level.