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Puppy Sleeping Habits

18 16:49:56

We have a 9 month old Yorkie, Rat Terrier, Chihuahua mix puppy and we are having problems sleeping through the night. He is fully housetrained with very few accidents and is not crated during the day. He spends the day with my youngest son who is a writer and does not get much enter action with my son. I spend about 30 minutes with the puppy playing fetch, playing chase and general interaction when I get home in the evening anywhere from 5:00pm to 7:30pm. He usually settles down until my husband gets home later in the evening around 9. Once again, the puppy gets more interaction with my husband. When it is time for bed (anywhere from 9pm to 10pm), he usually sleeps on our bed; however, he is not sleeping through the night, until early am around 2:00am. He gets up and wants out of the room, or sleeps for a little bit and gets up and I take him outside and he does go "potty", but this happens every hour or so, until around 2 or 3 am when he finally settles in for the night. We would appreciate any insight you may have in problem. My husband wonders if the extra stimulation at the end of the day, usually around 9:00pm, could be causing the problem. I would love to get my 7 hours a night sleep back.

The interaction is not the problem.  The problem is: you are responding to his restlessness and REWARDING IT (taking him out, letting him in/out of the room, talking to him, whatever you are doing).  If you want the dog to sleep through the night, you must IGNORE HIM, no matter what he does.  This means you will lose sleep for a couple of nights but ultimately it will work, and he will sleep through the night.