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Different Categories Of Dog Skin Allergies

27 11:53:28
Pet owners face the problem of dog skin allergies these days. This is why no matter how your dogs coat is supposedly stand out sometimes, you just cant achieve that for them. Skin allergies have to be treated first before you can successfully pamper your dogs coat. Otherwise, you might risk the infection for untreated skin allergy.

There are four general types of skin allergies that affect dogs. Among them is Nutritional Dermatitis which is very similar to food allergies experienced by people. Dogs too can have an adverse reaction against certain food types, which is why you need to be careful when it comes to choosing what you feed your pets. Dogs who develop food allergies can show severe itching as well as red rashes.

Another kind of skin allergy that can happen to dogs is Atopic Dermatitis. Most veterinarians refer to this as the most common among the different types of dog skin allergies. The onset of this can happen right at the time when the dog is still a puppy and gradually progress from that point on. This kind of allergy is typically triggered by certain allergens.

Then of course, theres also Parasitic Dermatitis to be considered. This is common among dogs who have a thick layer of coat because it also gives parasites a rich area where they could live. The most common of such parasites are fleas.

Gnats and ticks are other types of parasites that may also reside on the coat of your dog, aside from fleas. What happens is that the saliva of these parasites irritates the skin of your dog as they get bitten. As a result, a noticeable inflammation on the skin of your dog appears which can be made much worse as they continue to scratch on it.

However, there are some cases when all of these physical symptoms would cease to exist. In times like these, your veterinarian might refer to your dogs illness as Neurogenic Dermatitis. This is a more psychological type of illness wherein the dog has developed an excessive or obsessive behaviour towards licking or chewing on himself.

Excessive licking and chewing is actually classified as Lick Granuloma or Acral Lick Dermatitis, as the obsessive behaviour causes an infection and irritation right on the dogs skin. Its been said that cases such as separation anxiety, confinement, and frustration can trigger this on your pet dog.

It becomes a pet owners responsibility to actually become more knowledgeable when it comes to understanding dog skin allergies. This way, you can immediately consult a veterinarian to give the right prescription for your dogs case.