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Silent Communication - Dog Training Hand Signals

27 11:52:03
Quite a few dog owners are surprised to hear that dog training hand signals can be much more effective that verbal commands in most instances. There is an excellent reason for this that really boils down to a dog's inherit wildness, back when they were wolves: A dog's ears aren't really used for communication. If you watch wolves in nature you'll see that most of their communication with one-another comes through looking at one another in an almost telepathic nature.

By making your dog understand dog training hand signals, you will be able to communicate clearly with them even when they get excited and hard to manage. As many dog owners have found out the hard way: A dog will misbehave and run into traffic, jump on strangers, etc. -- when they get too excited. Furthermore, most of us fail to realize that yelling only gets the dogs attention and they will almost always look at their owner to assess the emotion in your eyes or bodily gestures.

A dog naturally understands bodily gestures as a sign of: attack, calm, playfulness, etc. much more fluently than yelling words. By teaching them to understand dog training hand signals that have been used for years; you have the advantage of being able to get their attention with your voice and further back it up with an easily understood hand signal.

Anyone seeking to teach their dog to hunt, or taking them with you on backwoods fishing trips will also appreciate having your dog trained to respond to hand gestures. You can direct your dog in various directions to scare up animals for the hunt, or silently let your dog know not to run too close to the fishing hole you're planning on landing a trophy from. Silent signals are also great when another dog comes into their sight, as you can let them know not to start a fuss, without getting the other dog's attention.