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Sbos: 21st Century Probiotic Resolves Gi Disorders For Animals And Humans

27 11:49:17
The US population now exceeds 300 million. Over 150 million domestic cats and dogs share our homes. Not only do humans and their pets get the same diseases, they are now transmitting diseases to one another.

We are both on more medication then ever before- including multiple medications. Yet medications do not cure. Oddly, they treat the symptoms instead of the actual causes. Worse still, extended use of prescription medication advances GI disorders. That hardly seems scientific.

By the time you finish reading this article, you would be right to wonder why the majority of American doctors and veterinarians are still overlooking the importance of a healthy GI tract to restore health and prevent disease.

The good news is that most human and animal disease is reversible! The steps to make sure that you, and your pets, get healthy and stay healthy are a lot less costly than doctor visits and medications!

According to The Royal Society of Medicine of Great Britain, "Fully 90% of all disease is caused by an unhealthy digestive system"

The longer the bacterial balance in the GI tract is compromised, the greater the strain on the immune system, and therefore, the greater the risk of a simple GI disorder advancing to disease.

The intestinal wall is your lifeline. This is where blood picks up the nutrients and takes them to every organ in your or your pets body.

Nutritious foods break down easily, and move through the digestive tract in a timely manner. Junk foods, like commercial pet foods, do not. Lacking nutritional value, junk foods move too slowly through the GI tract; they become a breeding ground for viruses and pathogens.

Early warning signs of a compromised digestive system includes frequent loss of appetite, foul smelling gas, loose stools, diarrhea, vomiting, and constipation. These disorders are so common that people tend to ignore them- a choice that often has dire consequences. Why do people ignore these symptoms?

It is common knowledge that the treatment of choice for most doctors and veterinarians is antibiotics and steroids. This is a case where the so-called "remedy" needs a remedy!

Pathogens and viruses are immune to most antibiotics. Antibiotics are not selective; they kill all the bacteria. Yet, bacterial balance is the key to maintain (or restore) health. Probiotics are the opposite of antibiotics. Yogurt is probiotic that has long been marketed for its ability to restore "good bacteria" in the gut. If only.

Yogurt is cultured from commercial dairy cows. These cows are given antibiotics and growth hormones, along with highly questionable foods. Yet, people and pets that are "lacto-intolerant" do well on raw milk products.

Even if you (or your pet) are not lacto-intolerant, human stomach acids destroy most dairy-based probiotic strains. Dog and cat stomach acids are much stronger.

OK, so if not yogurt, what then?

Some 30 years ago, laboratory research scientists began investigating why animals eat dirt and grass. It was only when they examined "organic" soils and grasses that they got the answer. Unlike todays chemically treated soils and grasses, organic grass contains organic sulfur (MSM), while organic soil is teeming with soil-based organisms (SBOs).

Although SBOs are scientifically proven to resolve routine GI disorders in humans and pets, they are not, by themselves, a cure all. Chronic GI and Immune diseases have an intestinal inflammation component that must be addressed first. Natural anti-inflammatories resolve inflammation without side effects.

Here is a little known secret: No matter how much money you spend on better food and supplements, to improve you and your pets health, unless you also replenish your daily requirements for SBOs, your efforts will largely be in vain!