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Is Your 2009 Resolution To Diet? Ruby Reds Can Help!

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Weight loss is the top New Year’s resolutions�"more often than not those resolutions fall to the wayside as soon as a post New Year celebratory chocolate cake or martini come our way. But for some a resolution to diet is not an option, but a necessity. Our health depends on it.

Sometimes the desire to lose weight is so strong for some people that they find themselves willing to try anything that promises dramatic results�"trendy fads or fasting-diets. And more often than not the results are disappointing. Most doctors will say that in the long run, eating sensibly and exercising moderately is the only way to take the weight off and keep it off.

Obesity is becoming an increasingly prevalent .. It is estimated that 66 percent of adults in the United States are overweight .. Much of America’s obesity is a result of unhealthy eating patterns: indulging in eating junk foods, overindulging, a sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise can all be blamed. Obesity-related health problems are increasing every day.1

Are you overweight? Are you concerned about losing weight the right way? Fast-fix diets don't work and could be potentially dangerous to your health. Crash diets don’t work and can be harmful by creating nutrition deficits that can damage organs and cause health concerns.

There is a healthy way to lose weight.

Healthy dieting and superfoods should help you to lose weight as well as transform you into a younger, trimmer and fresher-looking �you�. However, before starting any diet program you should consult your doctor.

Tips for Healthy Dieting
  1. Start the morning with a protein-rich diet. It is suggested that protein in your morning meal will help to ward off hunger throughout the day.
  2. Choose to eat smart. Avoid overeating and maintain a steady blood sugar level by eating small portions of low calorie foods every 3 hours. Go for fruits like apples and oranges or low fat yogurt which make you feel fuller for a longer time.
  3. Eat more whole grains, fruits and vegetables. They are low in calories and rich in nutrients. The high fiber content in them helps to keep your stomach full for a longer time.
  4. Before eating anything ask yourself this important question, �Am I really hungry?� This will prevent you from eating anything aimlessly.
  5. Enjoy each meal for about 30 minutes. Eating slowly can reduce your intake by 70 calories per meal. Did you know it takes at least 20 minutes for your stomach to realize that it is full? This is why fast eaters tend to eat more than they want to.
  6. Drink plenty of water as it helps to flush toxins and keeps the system clean.
  7. Keep moving. This is very important if you want to lose weight effectively and maintain it.
  8. Keep a food diary and note down what, when and how much you eat everyday and learn to count calories. This will help you understand where your calories are coming from.
  9. Avoid intake of painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs which can slow down your weight loss process as they are known to cause water retention and stimulate appetite.
  10. Eat a light snack just before you sleep consisting of carbohydrates and some protein.

You will also find it beneficial to weigh yourself every day to monitor the results of your weight loss program. Consult your doctor if you are having trouble finding the right weight loss program.

Supplements Can Help You Diet!
Cut down on the calories, but not on nutrition. Lack of proper nutrition can make you feel tired�"sometimes when we are tired we reach for unhealthy snacks to get a quick fix. Ruby Reds is a power-packed vitamin drink that can help you lose weight and be fully nourished--just replace one or two high calorie meals with a scoop of Ruby Reds. It contains the vital nutrition you need, with hardly ANY calories! It also contains powerful antioxidants that can help you fight toxins in the body caused by overloading the digestive system, stress and other environmental factors.

Ruby Reds contains:
  • Over 50 natural ingredients
  • A blend of red super foods like tomatoes, watermelon, carrots, red grapes, pomegranate, and red apples.. Red super foods are rich in lycopene and anthocyanins. Both are antioxidants. Lycopene helps support heart health. Anthocyanins are known to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.3
  • Essential vitamins like vitamin C, B1,B2, B6, B12, folic acid, pantothenic acid, and minerals like zinc, calcium, manganese, magnesium.
  • High fiber content. Fiber gives a feeling of fullness for a long time.
  • Probiotics which improve digestion and act as immune boosters.4

Ruby Reds can be taken with water, fruit juice or mixed with yogurt. You can also make a delicious smoothie, or use it as toppings on diet desserts. Ruby Reds is very low in calorie�"just one serving contains all the essential nutrition you need and is only 30 calories!

  1. Actual Causes of Death in the United States, 2000 JAMA, March 10, 2004; 291: 1238 � 1245
  2. Grigg M, Bowman J, Redman S. Disordered eating and unhealthy weight practices among adolescent females. Prev Med1996; 25:748�56.
  3. Studies according to the American Chemical Society's Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
  4. Parvez, S., K. A. Malik, K. S. Ah, and H. Y. Kim. 2006. Probiotics and their fermented food products are beneficial for health. J. Appl. Microbiol. 100:1171-1185.