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Important Things To Know About Epilepsy In Dogs

27 11:51:58
Epilepsy in dogs isn't a very common condition (2% of dogs), but does exist and happen to dogs all over on a daily basis. One of the most important things you can do to help your dog is to make sure they're in a padded area with no solid objects, stairs, or other animals around that can do them harm as the seizures run their course.

Provide comfort

You won't always have a choice as to where the seizure takes place, so at least keep an eye on their head to make sure it doesn't bang on anything harmful. Holding on to them while their seizure is taking place might be difficult, but it can be very comforting to them to hear your voice or feel your hand gently touching them, especially if the seizure is light enough that you can cradle their head in your arm.

Beware of bad advice

There is a lot of poor advice that circulates around about easing epilepsy in dogs: One of which is the belief that you need to pull their tongue out of their throat. Not only is it impossible for a dog to swallow their tongue, but it's extremely dangerous for you to stick your hand in between the super-strong jaws of a canine. If their breathing seems erratic or uneven, it's more than likely due to muscle spasms taking place in their chest or stomach, but should still be closely watched.

Get out your stopwatch

The best thing you can do to help reduce symptoms of epilepsy of dogs in your home, is to make a point of timing your dog's seizures and making sure they're protected from obstructions. Timing the seizures will help your veterinarian make assessments of their condition since treatment for dogs who have Grand Mal epileptic seizures will be much different from those who have less frequent Petit Mal types. Timing each event will serve as a barometer to let you know if any medications your pet is taking are improving/worsening your dog's condition.