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Uti In Dogs - Tips For Preventing A Uti In Dogs

27 11:50:02
UTI in dogs is a common problem that around 14% of dogs will get in their lifetime. If you want to keep your dog from being part of that statistic, there are simple low or no-cost actions you can take protect your dog. Here are tips to prevent a urinary tract infection in your dog. Here's a little background to help you understand how dogs get a UTI.

Here's a little background to help you understand how dogs get a UTI.

UTI in dogs becomes a problem when your dog's immune system starts to be overrun with bacteria. Bacteria can come from the water your dog drinks and the food he eats. UTI can develop after internal exposure to bacteria (through food and water) or from external urinary orifices.

If your dog is male, take some comfort knowing that UTI in male dogs is less common than in female dogs. Female dogs get it more often because their urethras are shorter so bacteria can travel up the urinary tract more easily.

To prevent UTI in male dogs or female dogs, it's important that you give them plenty of fresh, clean water. Tap water can sometimes contain harmful bacteria and other toxins so give your pup filtered water instead. Opting for a water conditioner may certainly save you vet bills.

Plenty of clean water consumption will also help your puppy overcome UTI more easily because it helps him flush out the harmful bacteria. You have to make sure that your dog's living conditions are sanitary as well.

To prevent UTI in dogs, frequent bathing is a good idea. Clean your dog's genital area every once or twice a week to get rid of harmful bacteria that could otherwise travel up the urinary tract. A lot of dogs hate water and baths but it's important to give it a quick wipe with a gentle disinfectant.

Diet also plays an important role in UTI prevention. After you feed your dog, if he leaves any food unfinished, throw it away. Don't let it sit there because bacteria will grow and it can make your dog sick.

Feed him a proper, healthy diet. UTI in dogs is often caused by an unhealthy diet of processed, commercial dog food. Dry dog foods contain too many minerals and carbohydrates. This throws off the pH balance of your dog's urine and makes it easier for bacteria to flourish.

Perhaps you are wondering what kind of food you should feed your dog. Your best bet is to give your dog raw, unprocessed meat that is free of artificial ingredients and contains the right balance of minerals and vitamins.

What else can you do to prevent UTI in dogs? Homeopathy is proven to be very effective. Homeopathic remedies that contain ingredients like cantharis and uva ursi can maintain a healthy bladder and urinary tract. They also keep your dog's immune system strong thus prevent bacteria from overpowering his immune system.

Instead of waiting till your dog gets sick to seek treatment, why not introduce a program to prevent UTI in dogs a try? Homeopathic supplements, a healthy diet, and sufficient water intake can go a great length in keeping your dog healthy and infection free.