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Symptoms And Causes On Gastritis In Dogs

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Vomiting is one of the most common symptoms of gastritis. This occurs when the stomach’s lining has some inflammation. Some dogs can get a mild case of gastritis from time to time. This is called acute gastritis. However, when left untreated, they can get a lot worse. If your dog vomits for more than seven days, it could be chronic gastritis.

Acute gastritis can be caused by many different things. The first, and most common cause, is dietary indiscretion. Your dog may have ingested some rotten food. Any foreign objects or things the dog cannot digest will also cause inflammation. For some, the dog’s digestive system gets irritated either by chemicals such as lead, fertilizers and cleaning agents, or foods he or she is allergic to. If your dog is taking any medication, that might also be the culprit. In other cases, systemic, viral, parasitic, or bacterial infections can be the underlying cause.

On the other hand, chronic gastritis may be caused by acute gastritis. Usually, if your dog is exposed to any of the irritants stated above for long periods of time, this will happen. Inflammation of the bowel is also one of the leading causes of this illness. In severe cases, it could also be a symptom of stomach cancer.

Gastritis, whether acute or chronic, might be hiding a serious illness. This is why it’s always a good idea to have your veterinarian check your dog if you suspect he or she has gastritis. Remember that it is most dangerous to smaller dogs. They are also more susceptible to the disease. However, gastritis can be seen in dogs of all ages and sexes.

If your dog has gastritis, the inner lining of his or her stomach will be inflamed. This causes digestive problems such as excessive vomiting. The only problem is that vomiting can be a sign of a lot of other diseases � not just gastritis. On the other hand, if blood accompanies the vomit, you should take the dog to a vet. The blood will either be red, or look like coffee grounds. Diarrhea is also a symptom of gastritis. However, once again, this can be quite a hard symptom to differentiate. Watch out for black fecal matter. This will indicate that your dog is digesting blood � not a very good sign.

Other symptoms of gastritis include lack of appetite. This is due to the inflammation of the stomach lining. Weakness and weight loss results because of this.

These symptoms have the potential to be life-threatening, especially if not treated. It’s best to consult a vet at the onset of the symptoms, so it can be properly diagnosed. Your dog will have to go through a series of tests so that your doctor can rule out the possible diseases. It is also necessary so that they can know if it is a symptom of some other disease. This allows you to treat it at an early stage, so it won’t get worse.