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Behind Every Great Macaw There Is A Great Owner

2016/5/4 10:35:59

Some of the questions asked by people researching Blue And Gold Macaw parrots as possible pets are.

1. Will my bird do things I find attractive?

2. Will he be loving, talkative, intelligent, affectionate, playful?

3. How about my kid and all the other family members? Will a Macaw be likely to get along with them?

4. Will I be able to train a Macaw?

5. How difficult is it to teach a Macaw to talk?

6. Will a Macaw be friendly to other people or just me and my family? Will he become attached to only myself?

7. What if my Macaw becomes a biter?

Almost without a doubt the standard answer to all of these types of Macaw questions comes down to this. If you properly socialize a Macaw all things are possible. It is mostly up to us as owners and care givers to be sure our Macaw meets not only our own expectations but his maximum capabilities.

Other than the actual physical care of each bird, food, living conditions, living space and exercise. Socialization may the most important word when talking about Macaw parrots or any parrot for the matter.

The Macaw cannot socialize himself. If you believe it takes a village to raise a child. Then it takes a state to socialize a Macaw. In the least it takes a dedicated state of mind.

If you intend to buy a baby Macaw Blue And Gold or any large Macaw. It is highly recommended for everyone to do business with a trusted breeder if at all possible. Breeders begin for us the entire socialization process. Most breeders begin hand feeding around the sixteenth day after hatching.

A baby Macaws eyes open about the nineteenth day of life. The importance of recognizing humans as the source of food, care, affection along with fun and entertainment can not be overstated. We have an advantage if humans are perceived as all important and pleasurable to a Macaw.

Before purchasing a Macaw it is extremely important to understand. Macaws and parrots in general are not domesticated animals as are dogs and cats. Humans through their actions hand feeding, comfort,and care simply are associated as mom and dad then become members of the birds flock.

The beginning processes of the breeders gets us off on the right foot. However it is extremely important that the process is continued and expanded consistently by new owners. The socialization process of a Macaw is a lifetime commitment and should not ever be discontinued.

As important as constant care and handling by all family members and including friends truly is. Socialization also includes introduction to new and different places and new situations.

Unfamiliar locations and situations are often the cause of a frightened upset bird. Subjecting a Macaw to different locations and situations early in life is every bit as important to you and the bird as is constant handling.

Macaws can be upset and frightened easily. The gentlest Macaw upset or frightened can be a real handful to deal with. As the owner of a Macaw it is a must that your bird trusts you in any and all locations and any situation.

Exactly how your Macaw or parrot turns out is more up to you than it is the bird. As you go along both good behavior and bad behaviors are learned. Most of what is learned will be up to you.

Ryleigh Cantrell has owned his blue and gold Macaw (Shadow) since 1978. There are two guesses as to the birds name.The two are inseperable. To learn more about Blue And Gold Macaws.