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Can Cats Eat Almonds? – In - Depth Look On This Question

2016/5/3 11:58:06

Pets can be very dear to us that we don’t mind about giving them or sharing to them some of the foods we love to eat. We sometimes forget that they have different needs in their nutrition and what can be good and nutritious for us may be toxic to them. If you have a pet cat at home, it is important to know the foods that you should and should not be giving them.

One of those food items that you should avoid giving to your cat is almonds. While you might enjoy munching this healthy and delicious snack, you should not give them to your cat because almonds contain substances that your feline friend cannot tolerate. If you have given almond to your cat by accident and in just a small amount, there is nothing for you to worry about because it won’t pose a threat to the health of your cat.

Are almonds toxic to cats?

Animal experts say that almonds that not that toxic to cats. That means that feeding your cat occasionally with a small quantity of almonds is fine. But consuming almonds though may pose some health problems for your pet. That is because almonds have a natural toxin called Cyanogenic Glycosides that is harmless in smaller amounts but when consumed in large quantities can cause cyanide poisoning to cats. The symptoms of cyanide poisoning in cats include dilated pupils and upset stomach. In some extreme cases, it can lead to death.

Even a small amount of almonds can cause health problems to cats because the nut contains fat which can cause upset stomach. If your cat is having lose bowel movement or vomiting after eating some almonds, chances are high that it is has upset stomach. Cats may also suffer from pancreatitis if they consume high amounts of almond fats.

Watch out for snacks containing almonds

It is imperative to watch out for almond snacks containing ingredients that are unsuitable for cats as well. Some almond snacks may contain high quantities of sodium. It is not advisable to give your cat food that has high amount of sodium. Excessive sodium in your cat’s diet may cause sodium toxics that you should not take lightly as it extreme cases, it can lead to death. You should allow your cat to drink sufficient amounts of water.

Chocolate covered almond should not be given to cats because in the first place, chocolates were found to be toxic to cats. Chocolates contain a substance known as theobromine. Some cat owners might think of giving their cat a treat by sharing some of the chocolates they have. But chocolates can instead do more harm than good especially on their health. You should then be careful about eating chocolates and leaving them everywhere if you have a pet cat in your home.

Now that you know that cats cant eat almond too much , you should be mindful of the other foods that you might want to give your cats. Ask for some advices from your vets or stick to cat foods to be safe.