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Can Dogs Get Heartburn Too?

2016/5/4 10:33:24

Your dog can get heartburn too, just like you can. It has the same causes as it does in humans, but the sad part is, your canine is unable to tell you just what is wrong.

Heartburn is cause by a a sphincter muscle located between the esophagus and the stomach. Certain foods and underlying medical conditions can soften or relax the lower esophageal sphincter so that it does not close all the way after food has passed through it to the stomach.

This causes stomach acid to come back through the sphincter leading to burning and irritation to the dog's esophagus.

What are the symptoms?

A canine with heartburn will exhibit signs and symptoms of vomiting, loss of appetite, and decreasing weight. Other symptoms include pain, drooling, and fever.

The risks for acid reflux include dogs who are obese and receiving poor nutrition. Younger dogs are more susceptible to heartburn than older dogs. Table food is not recommended. Food that is specifically formulated for your pet is what should be given.

In addition, portion sizes and how often your dog is fed are dependent upon your pet's age and size. Do not over feed as this will only exacerbate the acid reflux.


Your dog can be treated with over the counter medications such as zantac, pepcid AC, and reglan. Reglan works by increasing peristalsis to keep food traveling through the digestive tract, thus keeping the stomach emptied to prevent heartburn.

In cases where your canine has developed an ulcer, Carafate is the preferred treatment. Carafate will adhere to the ulcer area and act a protective patch.

You will need to consult with your veterinarian before giving these medications to your canine. Your vet can inform you of the correct dosages to administer.

Natural remedies:

A great natural remedy for canine acid indigestion is slippery elm bark and marshmallow herbs. These help to cool and soothe the throat. Small doses of Tumeric help to relieve acid indigestion. Take care not to give too much, as it can lead to liver damage.


Heartburn in dogs is preventable by making a few lifestyle changes. Avoid giving your dog a diet of rich foods, as they are more difficult to digest. Instead, switch to a rice based diet that is more easily digested. Be sure your dog get plenty of exercise to help keep the weight down. Increased weight is a contributor to heartburn.

Jared Wright is the marketing manager of - the free learning community site. You can learn more about health topics such as causes of heartburn and heartburn home remedy by clicking the links.