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Effective Ways To Reduce Aggression In Dogs

2016/5/4 10:12:59

Aggression in dogs is a problem that many dog owners are dealing with, but don't know how to stop. There are many effective ways for reducing aggression in any dog.

You just have to learn what the effective ways are so you can begin utilizing them immediately. The sooner you begin using them the sooner dog aggression will be a thing of the past for you and your pet.

Before you begin utilizing any of the ways to stop aggression in your dog, you have to realize that aggression in any dog is a natural reaction and it does not indicate a bad dog, but it is bad behavior which you need to teach them is not appropriate.

Now, here are the best ways to handle aggression in your beloved pet.

1. Socialization - This is best to do when your dog is a puppy, but it can also be done with older dogs that show aggression to other dogs or people. You want to get some of your friends that also have dogs that are friendly together and let your dog greet them.

See how the dog reacts to each person and dog that comes into the home. When they begin to show aggression take the dog away from the source of it and make sure to tell them no.

Be firm with your commands and reward them each time that they do not show aggression with other dogs or people. Eventually they will begin to understand that aggression will leave them alone without a playmate and they will soon stop this problem.

2. Counter conditioning - This works with puppies, but is good for older dogs that show aggression because you will be able to control the environment in which the dog is in so they have a positive experience.

If your dog is aggressive to people, then you want to have a friend that will volunteer to help you train them to stop the aggression. For a dog that is aggressive towards other dogs you need to get a friend, along with their friendly dog to help you.

You will want to get the dog in a controlled environment such as, a quiet room in your home. It may be smart to use a muzzle for safety, depending on how aggressive your dog becomes when around the source that starts this problem.

Then have them in the same room together, but not close. You want to keep them apart for a little while, then slowly get them closer.

When the aggression starts you want to move them away and give them a firm command of no. As they get closer to the dog or person and don't show signs of aggression then give them praise and a treat to show them that this is how you expect them to act.

This does take a little time, but it will be worth it when you and your pet can be around any other person or dog without the show of aggression from them.

There are many other ways that you can stop aggression in dogs, but these are the two that are the most effective. You can use these ways, along with others you know or learn to help you ensure that the aggression problem stops so you can have the well behaved dog you want.

If you enjoyed this article by Jeff Schuman please visit our dog training website today. You will be given information on dog obedience training, dog aggression, dog biting, puppy training and much more useful advice to ensure you have a well trained beloved pet.