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Why Do Some Dogs Get Arthritis While Others Do Not?

2016/5/4 10:15:34

The majority of canines will develop osteoarthritis to some extent in their later years of life. However not all dogs suffer from the disease in the same way. In fact, many canines never exhibit any of the issues or symptoms of dog arthritis whatsoever. Why do some dogs develop this disease while others do not?

One of the indicators that your canine friend may be suffering the effects of osteoarthritis is when they come up limping for no reason or have trouble negotiating steps or stairs. While some dogs have none of these symptoms in their entire life, most pets will show these signs of joint disease to some extent and may require drugs or supplements such as glucosamine.

Arthritis in dogs, just as with humans, is controlled mainly by genetics. Some dogs are more prone to developing the disease simply because of their DNA that are other dogs. This is the same as with people and how the disease affects them. Also, it should be noted that larger breed dogs usually suffer from the disease more so then do smaller breed canines.

The reason the disease is more of a problem in larger dogs is that they are heavier and carry more weight. This added weight causes additional stress on the joints which have been damaged due to the disease. So, all things being equal, the same severity of disease in a small dog is not exhibited nearly as much as the same level of disease when it is seen in a much larger dogs. Additionally, some breeds of dogs simply are more genetically vulnerable to the disease than others.

Another important factor to consider about those dogs who develop dog arthritis is that any overweight dog is far more susceptible to having problems with the joint disease than are thinner dogs and also those dogs who are at proper weight. This is the same reason why larger dogs are more vulnerable to the effects of the disease than smaller ones. Any dog who is overweight is also adding more stress and strain to their joints which aggravates the disease when it is present.

It's vital for pet owners to understand the necessity for keeping the dog's extra weight off later in life. It may be difficult for pet owner to put their beloved four-legged friend on a diet, but it is this kind of love that will enable the animal to enjoy more years of quality life once the disease manifests itself.

We have more information on our website about dog arthritis and how pet owners can use liquid glucosamine to help their animals better cope with the disease. Synflex glucosamine is an all-natural product without side effects which has been shown to be highly effective for treating canine osteoarthritis.