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Dealing With Dog Bad Breath

2016/5/4 10:04:47

Don't you hate it when your little dog that you so love comes up, gets in your face, and knocks you down with its breath. Wow. Odor like that is really irritating. Dogs can have really bad breath. Here I'm thinking that a dog just has bad breath because they are chewing on shoes, eating out of trash cans, licking each other's backside etc. But as I read about it, actually dog bad breath can be an indication of really bad dental health. It is a possible indicator of the dog's deteriorated dental care or something amiss with the its liver, kidney or its tract. It originates from accumulation of bad odor produced by bacteria in its mouth, lungs or the guts. Plaque and cavities are the end-result of accumulated bacteria in the dog's mouth.

Many people perceive that at a certain age, dogs are deemed to contract a certain disease. However, this is incorrect. Notably, small dogs are more vulnerable to dental complications such as tartar and plaque. It is therefore essential to conduct a thorough examination of the source of bad breath since the depth of the disease could be rooted further into the respiratory tract, organs or even the mouth. In dogs, one fault in the dental health precedes many other complications. This makes dog bad breath even more severe as compared to those of humans. This is to say that, if a dog suffers from dental cavity, it also follows that it might also have other subsidiary problems such as bad breath, lose of teeth, uncontrolled slobber of saliva and blood too.

To determine the cause of bad health, you only require to contact and consult a veterinary to determine precisely the origin of the problem. Be informed that the veterinary may also require some background information of the dog's dental health status and dietary habits. Just to pinpoint some few causes of dog bad breath would include: respiratory problems, trauma, dietary imbalance, broken or decayed tooth, viral, bacterial as well as fungal infections.

Treatment of Dog's bad breath.

Depending on the veterinary diagnosis of the problem, medication may vary. Here is a list of some of the possible remedies that could be administered:

Problem with diet: Sometimes you may have to change the dog's diet.

Interior problem: This problem occurs when the dog's organs such as liver, kidney, respiratory tract are infected. It will require a scrutinization and in-depth examination by a specialist.

Plaque: professional clean-up of the jaw.As the adage goes, prevention is better than cure, it is better to undertake preventive measures long before it's too late to mend up the wounds which might be very severe and at an advanced stage. To do this, you have to keep administering regular check-ups in order to clear all doubts of your pet being a victim of dog bad breath.

Moreover, feed your dog with high quality food easy to swallow and digest. Its best practice to use dog's recommended toothpaste every morning and brush its teeth for brilliant results. You may also consider adding some margosa leaves and coriander in the toothpaste or mouthwash. They will act quickly by killing off any bacteria present.

Adding lemon flavor to your dog's drinking water is also a bright idea. This should be done by squeezing the juice out of the lemon. Caution! Too much acid from the lemon is harmful to the dog's teeth! Never hesitate to consult a veterinary whenever you realize the signs of dog bad breath.

Gregory has a number of pet sites. He alos has a Maltipoo and a Miniature poodle and has tried to figure out the dog bad breath thing. On one of his websites he reviews a dog bad breath product that he is really excited about. No one wants a pet in your face that has bad dog breath. Gregory continues to blog about various pet issues and other topics.