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Your Dog - How To Select The Right Name

2016/5/3 14:56:08
When trying to choose the right name for your new dog you can if you want call them anything that you want. There are literally hundreds of different names a person can choose from for their dog, however not all of them are really suitable. Below we provide you with some guidelines which will help selecting the right name for your dog that much easier. But it is important to remember that a name that you may find suitable for your dog may not sit right with another. However we provide you with some guidelines to use when trying to figure out the right name for your dog.

1. It is important that when selecting a name for your dog you go for one that is not only easy to say but pronounce as well. If you choose a name which your dog finds difficult to understand when you say it just imagine how difficult you will find it to train them. Therefore select a name that is not only easy to say and once it has chosen and you have got your dog at home you need repeat it over and over again each day. Also by selecting a name that is difficult to pronounce or say will make those times when you are trying to maintain control over your dog much more difficult and stressful.

2. Only ever provide your dog with one name, never ever give them two as you would with your children. A dog with more than one name will become easily confused and will be that more difficult to train and control. So stick to one name only and make sure it is one which your dog will actually find easy to remember.

3. Never select a name for your dog that sounds like a command. So avoid names that sound like "heel", "jump" or "kill". Unfortunately a dog whose name sounds like a command can become easily confused when you are carrying out their training. This is because they will not know what is their name and what it is they should be responding to.

4. It is best that you choose a name which contains one or two syllables. We have a number of dogs all we short and easy to remember names including Taz, Heff, Jack and Jodie. Plus choosing names that contain one or two syllables actually makes it much easier for the dog to learn.

5. Never select a name for your dog that has a negative meaning to it. Unfortunately when you say such names you may well find that the tone it is said in is negative also. Remember it won't just be you calling them there may be others as well.

6. Avoid giving your a dog a name that not only sounds embarrassing when you use it but is completely inappropriate as well. It is important that you remember just how intelligent dogs are and they can soon pick up on any negative feelings come from you. This in turn will result in them being less likely to respond to you when their name is called.

7. Now you have chosen your dog's name and you have been using it for some time then don't suddenly change it for something else. This will only leave your dog in a complete state of confusion and will find it very difficult to respond to you as they will not actually know that it is them that you are calling. So choose your dog's name wisely and once chosen you will need to stick to it.

But at the end of the day when it comes to choosing a name for your dog you should make it as much fun as possible. Also don't forget to get every body involved that will be in contact with the animal on a regular basis. But keeping the above guidelines in mind will ensure that the name you choose for your dog is absolutely perfect for them.