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Shih Tzu Kennel Exercise Areas

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Many types of surfaces can be used in exercise yards. They all
have problems to one degree or another. A very common surface
covering for a Shih Tzu exercise yard is crushed gravel. It
keeps the Shih Tzu out of the mud and is relatively easy to
scoop up droppings from the stone. Urine runs through easily,
keeping it off the Shih Tzu’s feet. One effective treatment for
Shih Tzu gravel exercise yards is applying dry lime. Sprinkle
the lime lightly over the entire yard and then wash through the
gravel with a hose. Use enough water to ensure that the top
surface is free of any residue, and also to ensure that the lime
solution reaches the dirt underneath where the parasites are.

Concrete patio blocks can be used as a substitute for crushed
gravel in a Shih Tzu exercise yard. They can even be used in
addition to the gravel as a base in which the blocks rest. It is
more difficult to pick up droppings from the patio blocks than
from the bare gravel, but it can be done.

Another treatment for Shih Tzu exercise yards is to pave the
entire surface with concrete. Polish the surface of the concrete
while it is drying to have a finish that will be easy to keep
clean. However, a polished surface will be too smooth for the
Shih Tzu to run on efficiently. A brushed concrete finish is
best for the Shih Tzu to run on, but is much more difficult to
keep sterilized. A concrete surface can easily be scrubbed down
with hot water and soap on a daily basis to help prevent
build-up that could cause problems for your Shih Tzu.

One problem with concrete runs for a Shih Tzu exercise yard is
that urine does not disappear rapidly enough, which makes it
possible for the Shih Tzu to run through it. This quickly
accumulates and forms a sticky substance on the Shih Tzu’s feet
and the tips of the hair.

Many Shih Tzu kennels maintain a large fenced running area
adjacent to the regular individual kennel runs that are covered
with grass. The Shih Tzu is able to exercise on a softer
material. The grassy areas, however, cannot be used in rainy
weather, especially if you keep your Shih Tzu in full coat.
Romping Shih Tzu can turn wet grassy areas into a mud field very
rapidly. There is also the serious problem of keeping a grass
covered area sterilized. Any chemical strong enough to destroy
parasites and their eggs would also destroy the grass. In
northern areas where there is severe ground freezing during
several weeks of the year, the problem is less serious.

Large exercise areas are of great importance for the overall
development of the Shih Tzu. For any dog to develop and to
maintain the p0roper musculature, he must have a large area in
which he can run, play and romp freely.