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Intestinal Worms in Cats at a Glance

2016/5/3 14:55:42
Worms in cats are quite the common intestinal parasite, especially in kittens. Worms are so common, in fact, that your vet will typically test your cat annually via a stool sample.

Worms are intestinal parasites and may or may not cause visible signs of illness. Worms use your cat as a host in order to get nourishment, reproduce, and complete their life cycle. There are a number of cat parasites, including a few major classes of worms.

Roundworms, tapeworms, and hookworms are the main types of worms found in cats. Fecal exam is the method of diagnosis and should be done during an annual check up.

Typically, cats that share litter boxes will all be afflicted. A fecal sample from one cat, therefore, is usually sufficient to determine if an infestation exists in the home. By the same token, it is recommended that treatment be given to all cats sharing litter boxes if one of them is infected.

Below is a description on each of the major types of worms found in cats.

Roundworms - Roundworms (Toxocara Cati) have a spaghetti-like look to them, and you usually won't see them unless your cat vomits. Roundworm is common in kittens, who can become infected via their mothers, who may be asymptomatic. The mother cat may have the encysted form of the worm which lies dormant. Don't be surprised if your vet wants to worm your kitten 2-3 times, even if the test results are negative.

In adult cats, infestations of this parasite severe enough to cause illness are unusual. This is because mature cats often develop a natural immunity against roundworm.

Hookworms - Hookworms hook themselves to the cat's intestinal wall. Rather than get their nutrition from what the cat takes in, hookworms are tissue feeders. Because of this, they can cause blood loss which may result in your cat developing anemia. In addition, a cat with this worm may also experience weight loss, poor hair coat and intestinal distress. Luckily, most of the medications that are used to treat roundworms will also take care of hookworms. At least two treatments are needed to get rid of hookworm.

Tapeworms - Tapeworms are made up of a series of segments containing eggs. When the segments drop off the worm, they are passed in the stool. When they dry out, they look like grains of rice, which you'll sometimes see in areas your cat frequents or around the your cat's anus. If your cat experiences anal irritation and/or exhibits excessive licking, this worm may be present.

It's important to control fleas. The flea ingests the tapeworm eggs and then your cat eats the flea. The tapeworm then lives in the intestinal tract of your cat and then produces, you guessed it, more tapeworms.

More often than not, these worms do not cause any visible symptoms of illness in your cat. Understand that you cannot completely get rid of the tapeworm without also addressing the flea problem. As long as there are fleas, your cat is at risk.

Intestinal worms in cats can be present without any sign of visible illness. Since cat parasites put undue stress on your kitty, you should do what you can to keep his/her immune system strong. That includes not only regular vet visits, but also high quality food, regular exercise, and the room to explore.