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Preventing Carpet Fleas

2016/5/3 14:50:40
Getting rid of fleas in your home will take a lot of effort. Once fleas are gone from your home, you must keep your carpeting clean to prevent your house from another flea attack. Remember that getting rid of fleas from inside your home is more work than preventing fleas from entering your house in the first place.

Prevention is absolutely the best method to control these little blood suckers. The best methods to prevent fleas from invading your house is keeping your house environment fresh and clean. Regardless how hard you try to get rid of fleas from your house if you do not keep your house environment clean you will not be able to eliminate these parasites from your house for good.

First thing you must do to prevent your house from having fleas brought in by your pets is vacuum-clean your house on a regular basis every few days at least to pick up fleas from carpeting that your pets may have brought inside your house. Making sure you get into all the corners in your house, and also vacuuming your furniture like sofas and the most important thing is your carpetings. Make certain that if your vacuum cleaner uses bags you seal the vacuum's bag with a plastic bag, and throw your vacuum cleaners bags out carefully, other wise the adult fleas may escape from it.

Wash your carpet regularly in hot and soapy water every few months . You also can use a steam-cleaner this will clean your carpet much better then a standard household vacuum cleaner and it will also remove flea eggs and fleas that may have escaped from your vacuum-cleaner.

Since fleas come from outside of your house using your pets, you may want to try and keep your pets in side longer and prevent your pets from going outside on their own if you have a pets door installed in your door that leads outside of your house, if your pets are always inside and never go outside the house, then it should not have a flea problem. If you have a large dog and you need to let your dog outside of your house, let your dog play in the yard but remember to keep your yard clear of other animals and don't forget to clean your yard every week or two by cutting the grass to keep it short, this will help to keep the fleas away from your pets.

Flea eggs usually fall off from your pets in their bed, so it is important to wash your pets bedding. Wash your dogs or cats bedding with hot and soapy water. Always check your pets regularly for fleas. It is important to keep your pets clear of fleas. If you don't have the time to make an appointment with a veterinarian, you can check your pets by yourself. Check your pets hair around its neck, back, and tail.

Always bath your pet regularly at least once per week and use flea shampoo to clean your pet. If you do not have fleas shampoo you can use regular shampoo or baby shampoo, remember to be careful in using essential oils when bathing your cats.

Making sure your dogs or cats are free from fleas should be important to all pet owners. Once your pets are protected, the flea life cycle will be broken and this will make your house including your carpeting clean from fleas.