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Dog Lead and Dog Collar, Do They Make a Difference?

2016/5/3 14:48:44
Whether you just got a puppy or you are trying to rekindle a relationship with your dog, the dog collar and dog lead you use will say a lot about you to your dog. Teaching a dog to do anything can prove to be a task, especially if the dog is a little older and already set in his or her own ways.

The first thing you need to do before you even attempt to walk the dog is purchase a good high quality preferably leather dog collar and leather dog lead. These are going to be more expensive then the cloth or nylon collars and leads, but it will be well worth the money in the long run. You are also going to need to keep your cool and be persistent with your training.

If your dog has never been on a dog lead before you should start by putting the dog collar and dog lead on him or her in the house so he or she can get accustomed to the feel of it. This should also help to avoid fighting you when you begin walking outside.

Once the dog seems to be comfortable with the dog collar and dog lead on you can take him or her outside to start training. Depending on your dog and its willingness to work with you will greatly impact the style or method of training used. For example, if the dog wants to sit and not budge when you put the dog collar and dog lead on, you will need to use coercion. Small treats can usually be the best form of motivation for a dog.

Take a few steps away from the dog while still holding the dog lead in your hand. Allow your dog to smell the treat and gently tug the dog lead and say the command 搘alk?to the dog. As soon as the dog takes a step or two reward with verbal praise and a treat. The next time only reward with praise and a pat on the head.

Continue training your dog on the dog lead and positively reinforcing him or her. Reduce the treats as rewards. When your dog goes further on the dog lead and dog collar you can again use a treat for rewards.

On the complete other hand, if your dog decides once the dog lead and dog collar are on and the door is open he or she is going to take off running, you will need to gain control, become the pack leader. For this, treats can work wonders. This is also where the sturdy leather dog lead and dog collar are going to come in handy. Leather allows you to have more control over the dog.

As soon as the dog sees the dog collar and dog lead come out, make him or her sit. Do not allow the dog to jump or run. The dog needs to wait until you have both the dog collar and dog lead on him or her and then stand. When you get to the door before you open it make the dog sit. If he or she refuses, drop the leash and take off the dog collar. Walk away. Repeat this until the dog is ready to listen to what you want.

You should continue to do this until you can open the door without the dog charging at the door. Immediately stop if the dog acts inappropriately. If he or she catches on easy, you can reward with a treat. Once outside, if your dog begins to pull away from you, simply redirect the dog and command him or her to 搘alk? To redirect, simply pull lightly on the dog lead and turn around and proceed in the opposite direction.