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Healthy Dog Food Choices

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Healthy Dog Food Choices

In principle, food

In order to provide food for pet dogs. The principle and practices should note the following:
1. the size of the stomach, small dogs, so they have to keep meat or food and the food has been compared to it should be small.
2. If a dog is to breastfeed. Food, food, most will pay out to feed a puppy milk. The first

Food and feeding
Good food is an important base for good farming.
Good food is an important base for good farming. The dog, as well as to human food since its installation in the mixer. Born into the world to die to have healthy lifestyle. For foods that raise. If separated, based on nutritional value, it can be divided into six types of protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, is.
Minerals (minerals) and water.

stage in a puppy should be fed with breast milk the cows used to be better fed, nutrient is less than. In the past, feeding meat or food category, so it will be treated as a valid method of bamrungliang.
3. in the stomach acids are hydrocarbon background service dog khanai high quantity. Therefore, it helps to digest The food category and larger lump bones is easier.
4. teeth of dog bites, and cut it for only. Not for chewing, such as animals. The category actually are edible seeds, although accustomed to eating almost any type of ceremony, but the skeleton of the body, and it remains, animal flesh is enough. With this principle holding that meat is a natural food and is suitable for all dog.
5. dogs with saliva for destroying what little amount be spoiled and acid must be used in starch digestion. Hydro service khanai high background For this reason, it's not the dog for the stomach to digest wheat flour (dough will be sent, but in the small intestine).

Hakraluek to the truth from this verse 1-5 as well as the type of dog food are discussed in using food for a dog that will be required to strengthen the body. Generate heat energy, vitamins and minerals that are important, so. Dog food components are as follows:

1. meat which contains protein and minerals such as lamb.
2. heat the fat, and vitamin a
Rice, grains, beans, vegetables, and 3. each type produces energy and vitamin b. Vitamin e
4. leaves green, raw or cooked soft with vitamin c and other vitamins and minerals.
5. eggs which contain fat and vitamins such as iron, phosphorus is good to help the body growth and disease resistance.
6. fish liver or liver animals, one of the many benefits to the body.

When it's the principle of the dog food. Consideration in the next stage, it is necessary to feed the dog. In practice, most of the dogs are satisfied to earn food for only 1-2 times per day, as it is the only feeding at a time should not let it eat a lot so the stomach. This will make your digestive system, it requires hard work, too, and the Fund more quickly. Which is to get the food that nature of it.

If the dough is boiled meat or food category, in combination with the Edible vegetables in meals should be provided for the first dog. Best restaurant meals, beef will be particularly useful, but they do not, however, immediately before or after your dog is very much.

For a dog today. If pet owners use dog food that are currently for sale. Most of them have adequate nutrition to your needs. But if the local buy is difficult, it should be used only where there is food available for consideration of the nutritional value of food.

Food for dogs full grown (young)
When the dog is full grown pet owners may have to feed 1 or 2 times per day, as is the food, but will need a high quality food that is a component of a lamb or a meal, which is the quantity to this diet for puppies. On average no more than 1/2 cup should be given in the evening is the best time because it will make the dog do not stir in time.
The night.
Food for dogs is sufficiently.
A dog also needs a young dog food is easy to digest foods. There is a high protein, fat and carbohydrates but less. Food should not be stiff or sticky to help prevent dental problems, and should eat 2 times a day, it is better to eat a large amount of time per day to feed your dog is sufficiently long to stand age. Pet owners are required to provide is a strong dog. If it is found that a dog shows unusual symptoms should hurry with speed.
Food for dogs illness.
Principles of feeding dogs while they are ill, often because of illness, is now in the light of the dog down. If feeding a lot. In addition, it will not benefit, to interfere with those organs. If possible, choose a good dog should be fed manually as you like. Feeding by force would do if the dog does not eat the food.

If the dog shows symptoms didn't lump the yummy to make an offer for it. Farmers need to feed concentrate by entering in this entry should enter the water or liquid food is very soft with a spoon or use a narrow mouth thapphi how to enter it, gradually elevated the head dog and then his lips to bulge out, then gradually to widen pour food into the mouth. When you have finished entering the food should be washed and wiped out all that scraps. However, Non-food as medicine directly to only allow dogs are recovering patients or damage is typically faster.
Dog food for diarrhea
The Sub will have to be easily and does not inhibit wound in the stomach and intestines. If you have diarrhoea or vomiting with force generation should be to find an animal doctor, so salt water as a substitute for water and minerals that are lost. Therefore, Soft food diet, should be easy. Does not irritate the stomach and intestines is enough energy from fat, carbohydrates, but they should not be. Characteristics of food, for example, is also used in the newly weaned puppies because not alimentary irritations.
Diet for puppy constipation
Food additives should be more lingering sentiment to help compress the intestine and increase the volume of the intestine absorbs the water in the portion of the colon.
1. feeding at least twice per day, to stimulate your bowel pressure compression rolls food to the footer.
2. take out some dog tattoo 30-60 minutes after eating to stimulate defecate and squeeze the muscle belly.
3. check to see that the bottom dog constipation symptoms because the disease could be caused by anal trauma or shock until เจ็ is unable to defecate.
4. Locate the water to eat.
5. restrict their carbohydrates and fatty foods.
To see that this food is low in fat, carbohydrates and energy because of fewer but more lingering sentiment has rarely, and a lot of water-in the colon. They also help reduce the hunger of a dog. This recipe is also suitable for a puppy that is too fat, and the dog is diabetic is to help reduce the amount of sugar in the blood. Best mother dogs that are pregnant and breastfeeding. This should not be feeding the dog a kidney as well.
Food for pregnant dogs.
Routine care for the mother dog breeder must be closely. We want to feed more than normal. The food used to feed pregnant dogs will need protein. High calcium and vitamins, but low-fat, size and quantity, within the first 6 weeks of pregnancy, in the same size full grown dog and gradually. Increases in the last three weeks before the birth, adding more food for about 15-20% of the body weight.
Food for a puppy
A puppy that is in between the ingestion of milk and is weaned after a new puppy to a very high protein. Aged from birth to 1 month to get protein from milk river, but after 1 month. The mother dog will show symptoms, kriao gunships threatened to Growl.
When a child will eat dairy products. This range, we will need to keep a puppy food diet, rather than from the plate insert. That is, after a puppy is born to the outside world, new eyes, but will not be used to attempt to find a nose and breast sucking them so that the puppies receive milk soya from fast. This should help to catch the puppy put the mother's breast. Here the puppy-eating breast. From this stage, pet owners can just wait for the mother dog to be careful not to overwrite the ball of a puppy, and that weakness has had a chance to eat the mother's milk to eat. Because the breast and sturdier take suck eat out. For puppies that are a size large is khrok. There are too many. Mother's milk is not enough to eat, it should add the milk, eat the substitutes to prevent mother dogs have very lovely down.

When should a puppy be weaned approximately 4-6 weeks, or 1 month at least. The practice, this may be weaned puppies by feeding renewable mix using warm milk.
1 cup mixed with sweet water and 1 cup hot water 1 put this mix in the food dish-mouth jars and eaten by measles, tuen puppy puppy head handles, mouth dipped in food dish. The puppies lick and eat. Subsequently, the food, such as meat, eggs, fish head soup and etc. Added to the mix in small increments until you eat this food without milk.

During practice, nursing mothers should be excluded from this puppy, and the puppy eats milk away, increasingly with complementary food such as a substitute until the breastfeeding doesn't have to eat anymore. At the age of 5-6 months, you can eat around 3% of body weight per day, three meals should be provided for about 3 months, then reduced to 2 times per day for a puppy that is 8-9 months of age is full. Puppy has a high protein, 2 times the full grown dog. Minerals that most puppies are calcium and phosphorus, so. The food should a puppy is a meat grinder. If you cannot use chopper grinder. And Tom supplement to prevent roundworm eggs, boiled some may dinner. We may substitute minerals, liver, boiled or soft but should not be given to children's bones at this stage because the puppy's digestive system works not only by a broken bone in chicken is a very sharp stick or digestive organs, may be stuck. Milk powder, soluble with puppy sales or milk powder for infant. In addition, it can provide minerals to the puppy. There are also the vitamins, as it must. read more about Dog Food Secrets Review