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How Do You Know Your Dog Has Cancer Problem

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How Do You Know Your Dog Has Cancer Problem

1. Unusual Habitat: Often, unusual habitat can be the reason of mouth or nose cancer. If your dog smells bad most of the time, you should consult a vet. If your dog is suffering from mouth cancer, it may get difficult for him or her to eat properly and even bleed while eating.

2. Cough From Long Time: You can't judge that your dog has cancer if he/she has normal cough. But if you see your lovely pet has cough problem for more than two or three days and also have problem in breathing, there are chances that he may have lung cancer.

3. Loss Of Appetite: Without any reason, pets don't stop eating. It is not necessary that lack of appetite is sign of cancer, but sometimes it is. May be lack of appetite can be the outcome of oral tumour and it can make pain in eating and swallowing. Whenever this problem happens with your pet, discuss it with your veterinarian. Many health problems are occurred because of lack of appetite and cancer is one of them.

4. Loss Of Weight: Weight loss is the most common symptom to recognize cancer in dogs. Note one thing, if your dog loose weight rapidly after getting the regular diet, it means he/she is suffering from gastrointestinal tumour.

5. Changes In Behaviour: Do you find any changes in your dog's behaviour like in eating habit, walking and playing. If you notice any changes, meet your veterinarian as soon as possible.

6. Open Wounds And Sores: If your dog has wounds and they are not healing within time, it may be because of skin infection or skin cancer.

7. Depression: Your dog loves to play and walk around outside. But suddenly, his/her habits are changed and your dog has started sleeping more and get depressed, then it's time to call your veterinarian. Not sure these are signs of cancer but you can't ignore these signs and it is enough to contact your vet to discuss your dog's problem.

8. Changes In Bathroom Habits: Changes in your dog's bathroom habits, is not a sign of cancer problem. But if there is blood in the urine, diarrhoea and vomiting, it is abnormal and can be the symptom of cancer. Because all these are simple symptoms of cancer. Sometimes it is very difficult to find symptoms of cancer in your lovely pet. But if you notice any one sign given above, it is better to contact Georgetown vet clinic.