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Dog Information on Diet and Food Allergies

2016/5/3 14:43:28
Not only do dog allergies refer to our allergies to dog hair and dander, but also to dog's allergies to things in their environment, such as chemicals, pollution and food. Dog allergies can manifest themselves in skin problems, like itching and hair loss, and in more advanced cases, loose bowel movements and vomiting.
Dogs sometimes develop allergies to foods they have been eating for a long time, and it's not always easy to identify which component of ingredient is the real cause. If you suspect that your dog suffers from allergies of any kind, it is best to first visit your vet for allergy testing and dog information, and advice on how to treat them.
In order to prevent allergies and other food related problems, it is a good idea to have reliable dog information what we are feeding our pets. Dogs do not eat grains in the wild, and so these aren't necessary in their food. Grains like wheat and corn are one of the top allergy triggers in dogs, and if your dog is showing any signs of allergies, it is best to stop feeding them anything that contains these. An quality organic dog food might be just the thing to get him back to normal.
If you have time and resources, preparing your own dog food is the best way to feed your pet the best quality food, which should contain roughly equal parts of protein, vegetables and a carbohydrate source like oatmeal. For extra vitamins and minerals, a quality dog vitamin supplement and bone meal can also be added. Look for quality dog food recipes and dog information from books and other reliable sources.
One sample dog food recipe that is well-balanced and hypoallergenic calls for 1 lb of ground beef or lamb, sauteed in olive oil or left raw. This is mixed with another pound some cooked vegetables like broccoli, carrots and potatoes. Then, you can add 1/2 cup of oatmeal, potatoes or other carbohydrates sources that your dig can tolerate. Finally, add 2 tbsps of cottage cheese and, for good measure, a quality doggie vitamin.
When fed right, you will soon notice improvements in your dogs' coat and eyes, and even his moods. These are the most obvious benefits of an organic diet, or a home made one without chemicals and substandard probucts. However the overall benefits to his health and well-being outweigh even these.