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Kitty Attitude Or Love?

2016/5/3 11:47:56

Kitty Attitude Or Love?

Cats have a reputation for their snooty attitudes. They seem to act like they are in charge and everyone is beneath them. But is that really the way they feel? Maybe we are mistaking their actions for being stuck up behavior when in fact some of the things they are doing are actually trying to show affection.

Your kitty walks up to you, sniffs your nose, rubs her face and body along yours and you're thinking awe she's so sweet. Suddenly, she turns and sticks her booty in your face. What the heck is that all about? Just when you think she's being friendly she turns her back to you and shows her butt? Not nice, you say to her and push her away.

But what is that all about really? Well, I'm sure you have seen cats sniff each other's noses right? They do the same thing with their humans. Cats have a very keen sense of smell. They are smelling you to be sure who you are and to form a bond with you. Your cat knows your scent and she is just checking to be sure that yes, it is you, her human.

The rubbing is a lot about marking territory. You as her human, are after all...her territory. Cats have scent glands on their cheeks and by rubbing them on you, they are marking you and letting you know they trust and love you.

Now for the booty in the face thing.....Its not what you think. They are not trying to be ugly or turn their back on you. Watch your animals together, how do they communicate? How do they tell one from another? Of course the nose sniffing but, they also sniff each others behinds. It's just something animals to do to recognize one another. Cats just assume their humans do this too. They don't understand that we don't like that. Just gently push your kitty's booty away when she does this.

Head butting is another thing cats like to do to the people they love. They have scent glands on top of their heads so they are marking you and being affectionate with you.

Does your kitty come sit next to you and lick you? They lick each other, don't they? This too is a sign of affection. Animals groom each other to show love and affection. They take care of each other by grooming. It forms a bond and a friendship. Your cat licks you for the same reason, because she loves you, wants to bond with you.

Just because cats don't show affection the same way people do doesn't mean that they are being snooty or stuck up....they are simply being cats. They are showing affection the way nature taught them.