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BARF Rawdog Food, Weaning For Puppies

2016/5/3 9:24:41

The BARF raw dog food diet is gaining popularity with dog owners.

One question that is asked frequently is "What is the best way to wean my puppy onto BARF raw dog food?

Starting your puppy on a BARF Raw dog food diet is probably one the best things in the world you could do for your new dog. Starting early will make sure that your pup will not be exposed to the chemicals and synthetic materials that are contained in commercial dog foods and will ensure your puppy will have a long and healthy life.

BARF raw dog food will also allow your puppy to grow faster and larger and be more gregarious as he progresses into adult hood. Not to mention that if you switch him now it's going to be much easier than if you switched him later in life.

Weaning your pup onto BARF raw dog food can be accomplished even if he is still nursing with his mom. Puppies can actually begin eating small amounts of raw food at about two and a half weeks of age.

Puppies that are beginning to eat BARF raw dog food will usually start off with a milk meal as you wean them form their mother. Goat's milk is preferred for this fist taste of raw food since it is easier to digest. It's a good idea to add a few things to the goat's milk to make sure your puppy is getting all of the nutrients it needs. Honey, flax seed oil, yogurt and or an egg are all good ingredients to try. Mix all of these ingredient together in a blender until it reaches room temperature and thickens. Feed this mixture to your puppy in place of one of his mothers feedings. Usually, puppies will eat four or more times as day.

At around six weeks you will probably notice two changes which indicate that your puppy is ready for a full regimen of BARF raw dog food. First, The mother will begin to regurgitate her own food. She does this for the puppies to eat as a way of weaning them onto solid foods. The second thing is that your puppy will develop teeth!

At this point in your BARF raw dog food weaning process you can still feed the milk mixture mentioned above but you can also start giving the pup some solid BARF raw dog food. Start with a vegetable mush. this will mimic the mothers regurgitated food and will become a staple for you pup until he becomes an adult. This mush should be about 50 / 50 vegetables and protein. The vegetables should include things such as lettuce, kale, and collards, carrots, beets and or squash. Be careful not to include to many green leafy veggies as this can create gas problems in you dog. You should only use one kind of meat for you puppy, this will help him adjust to the solid food.

The puppy BARF raw dog food diet should also include a few small bones for him to chew on.

Utilizing these tips should allow your puppy to easily assimilate to a full BARF raw dog food diet by the time it's a healthy, fast growing adolescent.