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Dogs – Common Allergies and Symptoms

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When Your Dog Starts to Sneeze

There are many things that both the dogs and the dog owners
could have in common. For example, both dogs and dog owners
could be prone to obesity if not regulating food intake and by
not exercising.

In addition, dogs and humans may also acquire diseases that
results from improper dietary regimen like diabetes, heart
diseases, etc.

Moreover, the most amusing thing that both dogs and humans share
is the fact that they are both vulnerable to allergies.

Sounds impossible? Think again.

Veterinary experts assert that dogs have allergies too. One of
the primary signs of allergies is the itching of their skin.
Their respiratory tract system can also be affected with

Normally, dogs will manifest symptoms of respiratory tract
allergies like sneezing, wheezing, and coughing. Their nose and
their eyes may also manifest a discharge just like humans do
whenever they have colds or flu.

There are also allergies that may have an effect on their
digestive system; hence, it may result as watery stools,
diarrhea, or vomiting.

Experts say that almost 20% of the dogs in the United States
suffer from several types of allergy. So, for people who want to
know more about the different allergies that dogs acquire, here
is a list of the most common allergies:

1. Allergies with fleas

It is a well-known fact that dogs are usually infected with
fleas. However, what most people do not know is that they can
get allergies through these fleas, too.

Well, it is not the fleas that actually cause the allergic
reactions in dogs but the flea’s saliva. Hence, it is important
for the dog to undergo a skin allergy examination so as to
determine if a particular dog is sensitive to flea saliva.

In the event that the dog is allergic to flea saliva, it would
be better for the owner to implement a rigorous flea control or
flea eradication treatment in order to lessen the allergic
reactions. Though, it must be kept in mind that solutions that
are used in flea control should be safe for the dog.

2. Allergies pertaining to foods

Like humans, dogs get allergies from food as well. There are
instances wherein dogs get allergies from foods that their
system cannot tolerate, such as wheat, soy products, pork, beef,
whey, fish, eggs, milk, corn, artificial sweeteners, and
chemical preservatives that are placed in their food.

Moreover, dogs can get allergies in food that they have not
tried before. The best way to combat this particular allergy
problem is to feed the dog commercial dog foods more often
instead of homemade products.

Some signs of allergic reactions to food in dogs are shaking of
the head, scratching the ears, irritated skin, biting and
licking at the rear feet, inflammations in the ear, sneezing,
behavioral changes, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.

3. Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is a known allergic skin disease in dogs. This
is usually caused by the hypersensitivity of the dog’s immune
system to ordinary substances that can be found in the
environment like molds or dust mites.

Usually, a dog is said to be suffering from atopic dermatitis
when the dog begins to excessively lick and chew its paws,
licking the abdomen and its rear feet.

Atopic dermatitis can be seen as a saliva staining found in the
armpits, between the toes of the paws, and in the groin. In
light-colored canines, atopic dermatitis can be seen as a
red-brown stain found on the same parts that were mentioned.

4. Allergies resulting from bacteria

This is the most common cause of serious allergies in dogs.
Generally, there are certain bacteria that thrive in the dog’s
skin. This is known as the species of Staphylococcus bacteria.
In most cases, this does not cause allergies in dogs. However,
there are certain types of dogs that develop an allergy to it.

The most common symptom of this kind of allergy is hair loss
along with the development of ringworm like marks in the dog’s
skin. The areas where these marks appear usually get infected,
hence, it is important to treat them with antibiotics.

Indeed, allergies are not for humans only. Allergies great
affects almost 20% of the total population of dogs in the United
States, and that is a pretty alarming number. Therefore, it is
extremely important for dog owners to know these dog allergies
in order to prevent them from further exposure.