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Pet Health Questions - 8 Benefits of Neutering Male Dogs

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Pet Health Questions - 8 Benefits of Neutering Male Dogs

     Many of us have concerns over whether or not to neuter our dog. We worry that perhaps the dog will suffer some sort of sexual identity crisis or that there will be excessive weight gain. We wonder if our dog will become lazy and depressed. Some are concerned about the cost of neutering. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the neutering of your male dog, hopefully this article will help to alleviate some or all of your fears. The benefits of neutering far outweigh any arguments against it. Neutering is beneficial to dogs for a variety of reasons.

1. Dogs that have been neutered show a reduced sexual interest in females after approximately six to 12 months.

2. Should stop episodes of aggression towards other male dogs.

3. In 60 per cent of cases, inter-male aggression is reduced, as is mounting of people.

4. Roaming (i.e. running away from home) is also reduced in about 90 per cent of cases.

5. Territorial urine marking in the house, if it occurs, is reduced in half the cases.

The health effects of neutering are quite significant.

6. There is a reduced incidence of perianal adenomas (i.e. tumours of the rectal area) and testicular tumours are completely eliminated.

7. There is also a reduced incidence of perineal hernias.

8 With neutering, the incidence of many prostatic diseases, such a prostatic hyperplasia and prostatitis, are greatly reduced, as is the incidence of prostatic cancer. Without neutering, the incidence of these problems is quite high.

It is important to realize that neutering does not change a dog's personality nor does it affect a working dog's ability to perform. Neutering may contribute slightly to obesity (i.e. in about 10 per cent of cases) or reduced physical activity.

Neutering does not affect a dog's natural instinct to protect home and family. A dog's personality is formed more by genetics and environment than by sex hormones.

Pets don't have any concept of sexual identity or ego. Neutering will not change a pet's basic personality. He doesn't suffer any kind of emotional reaction or identity crisis when neutered.

The cost of neutering depends on the sex, size, and age of the pet, your veterinarian's fees, and a number of other variables. But whatever the actual price, neuter surgery is a one-time cost, a relatively small cost when compared to all the benefits. Most importantly, it's a very small price to pay for the health of your dog and the prevention of the births of more unwanted pets.