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A Jar of Honey: Beekeepers Journey

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A Jar of Honey: Beekeepers Journey

     The honey you see at the grocery market shelves is brought there by some very special people. Masses crave this golden nectar, and fortunately for them there are full-time beekeepers to satisfy their never ending hunger.

But for some beekeeping is just a hobby. If you've been dabbling in this art for some time, you may be the perfect candidate to turn your past time into a fully lucrative venture. Is this hobby for everyone? This article will take a glimpse into the beekeepers world.

Seasoned beekeepers will tell you their job is really not that difficult. After some time in the field it does become easier when you really know what you are doing. But, starting out it can seem a bit overwhelming and hard. It requires a bit of dedication.

Reading and learning from many beekeeping books will give anyone a firm base. You have to learn not just about the bees, but some fundamental aspects from a business perspective as well. If you are just getting started, you can ask someone who has already been involved in it to lend you a hand. Here are just some of the things you will need to know about.

Hive placement will be important to you and the bees.

Keeping the bees as happy and comfortable with their surroundings will be an integral part of your business. Many beekeepers do live in the suburbs and closer to the countryside where there is lots of greenery and flowering gardens, but there is an increasing number of of city beekeepers. They are discovering that there are ample supplies of nectar and pollen fromm city gardens, trees, window boxes, and so on - and often fewer pesticides.

Basically, all your bees require is for their home to be dry and stay relatively undisturbed. They require the nectar from flowers to make their delicious honey. They also will need some water. A near by stream is ideal, but if you don't have this luxury you can get away with a fresh pale of water.

If you are providing an artificial watering hole, be sure there is something for the bees to latch onto while they drink. Bees can drown, so the good beekeeper knows the addition of a stick or two coming out of a bucket can make a big difference.

What you wear is important.

Do you ever see those signs that say "Shirts and Shoes Required?" Handling bees can be a bit tricky and the wise beekeeper has a bit more attire to collect. He will want to cover himself from head to toe in an effort to reduce the possibility of stings. Some will think they only need to wear some gloves and a veil to protect the hands and face, but this can be a foolish decision.

While a cheaper suit may not be the best protection, the more of your body you can cover the better off you will be. A full sized bee suit is the best way to go, accompanied with high top boots, hat, and veil and gloves. Until you have some experience under your belt, skimping on your beekeepers suit is not an option.

There is quite a bit of ground to cover in the life of the beekeeper. Dedication, the right knowledge, and a touch of persistence will all determine the final outcome. The sweet taste of success from that jar of honey will make it all worthwhile!