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Why do Dogs Like to Smell Bad and How to Get Rid of the Smell?

29 12:01:23

Why do Dogs Like to Smell Bad and How to Get Rid of the Smell?

     Why do some dogs just love to roll in filthy rotting things like dead toads or fish, manure, swamp water or anything that simply smells revolting? They think it's great while we think it's obnoxious. We have to take the time to bath them or get them groomed by a professional. Sometimes the bath will not get rid of the smell.

So why do dogs love to smell so bad? Experts believe that dogs may do this in an effort to disguise their own smell. They are not sure why dogs would want to do this though. Perhaps it goes back to the days when they had to hunt for their own food. They would have a much better chance of capturing whatever they were stalking for dinner if their prey couldn't smell them. Makes sense I guess. Another theory is that they may be trying to hide their scent from predators who may be stalking them for dinner. Then again, maybe dogs just love the feel of rolling in something obnoxious. I guess we'll never know for sure.

So how do dog owners deal with this? Well apart from keeping them away from any source of smell and that may not be easy if you live near a forest or a river etc, the quickest and easiest way is to simply give them a good bath. Make sure you use a shampoo that is designed for dogs. Natural oils can be stripped from the dog's coat, potentially causing infections and rashes, if you use shampoos that are made for humans. Essential oils can be really beneficial in restoring natural oils to their coat and if you use the right oils they can clear up any rashes and infections. If after bathing your dog you can still smell the odor try spraying him with a blend of essential oils. Here's one you might like to try, put 10 drops of geranium, 10 drops of lavender and 6 drops of lemon into a 1oz (approx 30ml) spray bottle then fill with water. Spray this over him making sure you hold the bottle around 10 inches (25.4cm) from his coat avoiding his head and eyes. He'll smell gorgeous.

If your dog keeps rolling in stinky things it might be a good idea to take him to a pet groomer and have his coat clipped so that it will at least be easier to bath him and quicker for him to dry. Your dog will be happier in the summer months with a shorter coat anyway.

If after you have bathed your dog and/or sprayed his coat with essential oils he still smells bad then it might be time to take him to a vet for a check up. Some dogs could be suffering from Gingivitis, for example, which can give a dog really bad breath. The smell can be so bad it can be smelt right through the house. More serious conditions like kidney failure or diabetes could be the reason for the bad breath. The smell may well be coming from his other end as dogs have anal sacs that can become impacted and infected. This can smell extremely bad. So again, if bathing and spraying essential oils don't eliminate the smell get your dog to the vet as soon as possible so he can be treated.