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Dog Biting Problems - Tips On How To Correct This Behavior

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Dog Biting Problems - Tips On How To Correct This Behavior

     Dog biting problems are among the main concerns of dog owners and if not corrected early, it may end up making your dog aggressive. Of course, you don't want to deal with dog bites either within the family or in the neighborhood, thus it is important to correct it early.

Puppies especially those who are just about to grow their teeth are the ones most likely to develop these biting problems. Healthy adult dogs are not usually aggressive but when this problem is not corrected especially during a puppy's teething stage, it may be quite difficult to deal with its aggression when your dog is older.

If you have been bothered by some dog biting problems, here are some tips to help you deal with it and correct it.

- Understand why puppies bite. Normally, puppies bite during their teething stage as they seem to want to sink their teeth into something. You can help them stop this biting by starting to train him not to. You can use the basic commands such as a firm 'No' or replacing your arm with a chew toy can be of help. You can also stop interacting with your puppy if he is play biting you to stop him from doing it. Have a chew toy to train him to chew on the toy and not on human skin.

- Start with obedience training as early as possible. Puppies can be trained easily, thus if you want to avoid aggressive behavior from developing, you can start with obedience training as early as possible to correct bad behaviors. Reward good behavior and always discourage the bad ones. You don't have to hurt or hit your puppy. Have some firm commands to train him to stop undesirable behavior.

- Avoid games that may require your puppy to bite or nip. Avoid tug of war for the meantime so your puppy will not develop that habit of biting and nipping.

- Act like you are hurt when your puppy nips you. Dogs usually stop biting each other when one gives a yelp, thus by startling your puppy with your firm 'no' or an 'ouch' and pulling away from him can make him realize to stop. You can also stop playing with him when he starts to bite so he will associate biting with losing a playmate.

There are a lot of techniques that you can do to put an end to dog biting problems. Make your puppy associate biting with something negative. You can wear foul-tasting gloves so that your puppy will associate biting to something not good to the taste. You can also spray your puppy with water if he nips or bites to stop him from doing the same again.

You can also socialize your puppy with other dogs as this can also help put an end to their biting and nipping if they have time to socialize and play around with other dogs.

Dog biting problems can indeed be corrected if you start early and pay attention to the behaviors of your pet.