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Simple Puppy Housebreaking Tips

29 11:55:58

Simple Puppy Housebreaking Tips

     Housebreaking a puppy is a bit tricky and sometimes very difficult and frustrating. However, in the long run, it is well worth the time. This will probably begin as soon as you bring your new puppy home, so a bit of preparation and patience is in order. Take a look at some information on housebreaking a puppy that might benefit you in this process.

There are many different opinions on the best way to train your dog. The main reason for this is that different species of dogs have differing attitudes. Some dogs are simply stubborn and will require extra patience, while other species may pick up the process quite easily. If you haven't chosen a puppy yet, this might be worth taking into consideration.

You need to have realistic expectations with this process. Understand that puppies are very immature and simply have a tough time controlling their bowels and bladder. For this reason accidents are often unintentional and can continue after the puppy has learned its responsibility. Be prepared for this with patience and understanding. Make sure that you are consistent with your technique and approach to this process, or your puppy will only get more confused.

You should immediately begin implementing a schedule that will help the dog learn its responsibilities. Key times to take the dog out are first thing in the morning and immediately after eating, which are key times that the dog will need to go relieve itself. Between these times, take the puppy outside every couple of hours or so, depending on its needs. With a bit of anticipation, this process can be much simpler and easier to get through.

Be mindful of your puppy's activity, namely sniffing, circling the floor, hovering in corners and general pacing. These are clear signs that the dog may need to go, so immediately take it outside. When you catch the puppy making a mistake, give it a stern "no" and quickly take it outside. Never hit your dog or resort to other cruel, ineffective techniques. Also, never punish a dog unless you have specifically caught it using the bathroom inside. If you find the mistake after the fact, there is no reason to punish the dog, as it will not understand exactly what the punishment is for, further confusing the pooch.

Great tools to make your job easier are puppy pads and dog kennels. When you need to leave the home, place the dog inside the kennel. Dogs will not want to relieve themselves in such a tight space, encouraging them to wait and go outside. Understand, however, that the puppy wont be able to hold it for long, so keep this in mind. Take him or her outside before they go into the kennel and as soon as you get home. Puppy pads are great for two reasons. The first is that they provide an ideal place for the dog to go while inside, helping you by causing less of a mess and potentially saving your carpets. Every day, move the pad a bit closer to your door. Eventually, the puppy will learn to work its way toward the door when it needs to go. This is the other key benefit of puppy pads.

Housebreaking a puppy can be particularly difficult for some people, while relatively easy for others. However, if you approach the issue with patience and understanding, you will eventually succeed in this process. Immediately begin developing a schedule to help everyone involved. Also consider purchasing a dog kennel and puppy pads. A bit of anticipation and preparation can make this training much simpler.