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Pets: Agents for Self-Mastery

29 10:47:08

The photo in the newspaper tugged at my heart. Something about the expression in the eyes. Still I resisted, not sure I wanted the commitment of a dog. Something urged me to just ‘take a look’. For several years, I had held in the back of my mind, the image of a loving, friendly, small and clean dog that could help me in my healing business; someone who would motivate me to get some exercise, and be a great companion. The cats were great companions, and protective, in their own ways, but I wanted someone who could go places with me and bring joy into people’s hearts. Little did I know what else I would get in the little Italian Greyhound package! Funny how we are guided to choose an animal that becomes one of our best teachers and friends. Law of Attraction at it’s finest!

I got what I wanted: a very outgoing, friendly and loving dog. Iggy’s tend to be a little shy and withdrawn. Not Scooter! Sometimes, I think I should have called him Romeo, since he unabashedly kisses anyone willing to receive! He approaches everyone like they are his best friend, delighting in seeing them. He melts anyone’s heart that sees his innocent and loving expression of happiness radiating from him. I often wonder what the world would be like if we could all act that way towards each other! Definitely something to work towards!

Exploring my beliefs about how our pets reflect the best and the worst of ourselves, I marveled that I must also have that ability for innocence, enthusiasm, love and happiness, since I so easily recognized it in Scooter. Watching Scooter’s behavior was drawing my attention to what I held inside and was too timid to express. It was so easy and natural for him- what if I started acting that way, too?

I was even more intrigued by the energetic shifting I saw in people after interacting with him. Scooter truly was a healing dog. He seemed to draw kindness and love out of people and I could visibly see joy fill their hearts. It was the same with each person. Some thanked me for sharing him, others walked away with a lighter step and an inner smile radiating from them. I’ve talked to more strangers since Scooter became my companion, than I have in my whole life!!!

Not all pet owners have such heart-warming experiences. One lady chose a kitten who was a terror in the house, clawing up anything in her path, including her owner. What energy was she expressing, and what law of attraction vibration caused her owner to pick her out of a litter of placid kitties? What was the owner not expressing in her life, that the kitten was?

There is a lot more to our pets than meets the eye. As an expansion of the soul level energetic clearing work I was doing, I started exploring the role of our pets in our personal evolution, and discovered that we choose each other, mutually, because each party can grow and expand who they are from the relationship. Pets show us about ourselves, our personality, our behaviors and actions. They also show us about being proud and delighted with who we are, how to live in the present moment, genuinely contented and patient, be unconditionally loving, and forgiving. Their needs are simple- a full belly, a warm, dry bed, companionship and stimulating activities. They bring to the playing field, a set of pre-programmed behaviors, otherwise known as instincts, such as hunting, chasing or keen senses. Both cats and dog enjoy reading scent emails. (I’ve wondered just what information they receive that holds their attention so keenly.)
Domesticated animals bring the ability to learn behaviors and interact with us more intimately.

Pets know who they are, and are quite satisfied with that knowing. They don’t try to be who they are not. They bring the energy of healing, balance and harmony. They show us how to live by universal laws, not man-made laws. If left to their own devices, most animals live in peace- they generally do not deliberately create wars, seek revenge or pillage. In the wild, the herd allows the best leader to emerge, who has the strength, wisdom and determination to guide the rest and keep them safe. They hunt and eat what they need for the day, generally not being wasteful. When their numbers get too great for their environment, nature again steps in to keep the balance. The laws of nature are simple and sometimes harsh. Perhaps we can take lessons from animals on how to have peace and harmony in our lives and the world. It starts with a clear realization of our connection to our Divinity.

This reasonably peaceful existence is not always the case with animals in close communication with humans. They tend to adapt their behaviors to reflect their owners. Animals reflect what we, the humans, create, back to us very simply, clearly and symbolically.

Animals are here for their soul’s evolution, also, and together with their human partner, have the opportunity to gain experiences for their own soul expansion. We have a mutually supportive relationship. The more consciousness and awareness we bring to the relationship, the greater the overall growth experience for both parties.

Whatever we learn while working with our animals can be applied to the rest of our lives, our relationships, our work environment. For example, a dog or cat will express their opinion about something very strongly by peeing on your bed or someplace important. This is a definite statement- animals usually do not soil their favorite places. They may be expressing what you are afraid to express…… What would happen if you could express yourself so clearly and authentically in your life?

You pets come bearing gifts for you, and it is up to you to recognize and honor them for these gifts. This does not mean letting your pet rule your house. Part of the gifts they bring is teaching how to gently yet firmly set boundaries, align behaviors to what is desired, become clear about what is important, and let go the rest. They provide nearly instant feedback. They are agents in favor of encouraging and supporting your self mastery, and as you align with who you really are, they get the benefit of your personal growth and learn their lessons, too.

What part of your personality is your pet showing you?

This is another segment of the Pets: Agents for Self-Mastery series.