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Caution - Protect your Pet when Sharing People Food

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Certain types of people food can be beneficial to canines such as yogurt, pumpkin, salmon, apples, and green beans.?However, there are other foods which can be harmful, so you should use caution in order to protect your pet when sharing people food.

Many owners give their dogs a few scraps from the table every so often.?Young children may even offer dogs foods they do not particularly want to eat.?Certain types of people food can be beneficial to canines such as yogurt, pumpkin, salmon, apples, and green beans.?However, there are other foods which can be harmful, so you should use caution in order to protect your pet when sharing people food.

It is vital for you to avoid feeding pets any foods or drinks that contain caffeine.?Smaller amounts of caffeine can cause diarrhea, vomiting, excessive thirst, and hyperactivity.?If your dog consumes too much, then he may develop an abnormal heart rhythm, tremors, seizures, or possibly die.

Chocolate is another human food you should avoid feeding your dog.?Much like caffeine, even small amounts can cause problems, although darker chocolate is particularly harmful.?To avoid any problems at all, then avoid feeding any amount of chocolate to your dog.

It is also best for you to avoid feeding your pet sweets like candy and gum.?Lots of different types of sweets contain a sweetener named xylitol.?If your dog eats a sweet food that contains this sweetener, he may experience lethargy, vomiting, and loss of coordination.?This substance can also lead to decreased sugar levels, liver failure, and seizures in dogs.

Owners should also be aware raisins and grapes are on the banned list for dogs.?After consuming one of these fruits, your dog may develop kidney failure.?If he was not in good health to begin with, then consuming grapes or raisins can be even more devastating for your dog.

Another type of people food you should avoid feeding your canine is Macadamia nuts.?Be careful when feeding your dog certain types of cookies since these nuts are commonly used in them and other types of foods like brownies.?Dogs experience tremors, vomiting, depression, and general weakness after consuming Macadamia nuts.?These signs do not always appear immediately though.?It can take anywhere from 12 hours to two days for symptoms to appear.

You should also avoid giving your pet too much salt.?If he consumes too much, he will start drinking and urinating excessively.? In some cases, dogs will even develop sodium ion poisoning.?Signs your dog has consumed too much salt include diarrhea, vomiting, depression, seizures, and tremors.?Death is even possible if your dog eats too much salt.