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Basics of Dog Care

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Basics of Dog Care

Your dog is a faithful companion that loves you unconditionally.
All the dog asks of you is to provide some basic dog care so
they can lead a happy, healthy life and continue to love you for
a long time. Dog care is an essential part of owning a pet.
There a few basic dog care requirements that should be
considered when you own a dog.

Always ensure your dog has a collar and identification in case
he gets loose. Even the most careful pet owners may have a time
when their dog gets lost. Proper dog care will ensure he is safe
and will be able to be returned to you if you are separated.
People who are serious about dog care will always use a collar
and an ID that includes the dog’s name, your name and contact

Another means of dog care for identification is using a
microchip that can be inserted into the dog by a veterinarian.
These house an identification number that any veterinarian can
check for if the dog is brought in. Regular veterinary visits
are essential in dog care to ensure the dog is healthy and free
from illness. Check with your veterinarian for the proper
schedule for dog care check ups.

Dog care also means ensuring your pet is safe from the elements.
If your dog will be outdoors, provide a place for him to rest
out of the sun or rain. This can be a dog house or similar
structure. Always make sure the dog is in an enclosed, fenced
area so he can not get hurt. The safety of your dog should be a
primary concern of your dog care responsibilities.

A dog needs exercise. This is a great time to bond with your
dog. Your dog wants to spend time with you so be sure to make
time to play and exercise. Dog care includes ensuring regular
walks and plenty of play time. Throw balls for fetching or take
a jog with your dog. It will bring you closer and will be a
healthy and rewarding pastime for both. Remember to always use a
leash if you are outside your enclosed yard. This will ensure
you; your dog and others are safe.

Feeding your dog should be done with nutritional foods designed
for a dog, not table scraps. Always make sure the dog has access
to plenty of fresh water. For the appropriate dog care for your
particular breed, consult a veterinarian. They will be able to
advise you on types of food, amounts and schedules. Taking steps
to ensure proper dog care will result in a happier, healthier
pet. Owning a dog can be a rewarding experience with some basic
dog care steps.

Dog Care