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Dog Grooming: Essential for Your Dogs Health

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Dog grooming is essential for your dog's health, and this includes regular brushing, dead hair and skin removal, bathing, nail trimming, cleaning your dog's ears, eyes, mouth, and even its teeth. If you provide your dog with regular grooming, you will see a much shinier coat, and your dog will simply look healthy and lively.

This is also a great opportunity for you to spend time with your dog while you go to the groomer for expert care. You should make sure that your dog is well-trained, well-behaved, and that it is accustomed to being handled so that the groomer will have little difficulty doing what needs to be done to get your dog looking its best.

Different dog breeds require different types of grooming, so you must be really familiar with your dog's breed so you can provide the type of grooming that it needs. If you are not familiar with your dog's grooming requirements, or if you have a mixed-breed, then the grooming is best left to persons who have expertise in this field.

An expert groomer will know what to do with your dog, how to do it and how often, while most people have only general knowledge. There are general guidelines that you can follow such as brushing a long-haired dog's coat every day, or every other day. Dogs with medium length hair should be brushed at least once a week, and short-haired breeds should be brushed one per month.

If you have owned your dog for a while, or if you have owned dogs in the past, then you will know that most dogs shed, some more than others. Breeds that don't shed must be looked after especially carefully or their hair can become matted.

Since your dog's hair grows, you will have to clip the coat, and this will depend on how fast your dog's hair grows, or on how long you want your pet's hair to be. You must be very careful if you are going to clip your pet's hair so that you do not end up hurting it.

If you are unsure about how your pet's hair should be clipped, then this is another matter that you should up to expert groomers. Your groomer should be able to tell you how often your dog's hair needs to be clipped.

The best advice that anyone can give you is to become as informed as you can about the type of breed you have so that you can care for your dog in the way you are supposed to. If you are not sure about your dog's breed, or if it is a mixed breed, you should try to determine the mix so you know what you can expect from your dog.

In the end, you need to be a responsible pet owner and provide the care that your dog deserves. Regular, consistent, professional grooming is part of being a responsible pet owner and providing your dog with the best quality of life possible. In return, you are going to get unconditional love and gratitude, and this is something that really has no price.