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How To Care For Bunny

2016/5/4 10:13:52

Getting a bunny is an exciting decision, but not one that should be made before researching how to care for a bunny so that you can be sure it is the right pet for you or your family. Bunnies are affectionate and sweet animals, so many adults choose to get a bunny as a first pet for a child or teenager. In order for your bunny to have the best life possible, you want to make sure that you'll be able to appropriately care for the bunny in a safe and stable environment.

The first thing to consider is what type of bunny you want to get, and where you will house the bunny. You can purchase a bunny from a breeder, a pet store, or adopt a bunny from a local shelter. Before bringing your bunny home, set up a comfortable living environment for your new pet. Bunnies need a suitable house for their size with plenty of bedding, toys and places to snuggle up. A room without a draft or much foot-traffic will be an ideal space for your new bunny. After your bunny is an adult, you can even secure off a room or an x-pen style enclosure to house your bunny.

Just like owning any other animal, you'll also need to research what type of food is best for your bunny. A young bunny will eat different types of hay than an adult rabbit, so consult a veterinarian or rabbit expert to make sure that you are feeding your rabbit the right type of hay. Give your bunny hay all the time, as it will help keep their teeth healthy and also fill them up. Bunnies also need fresh vegetables and pellets in order to get the daily nutritional content they require.

Your bunny will also require daily exercise and handling. The exercise is important for your bunny to retain an ideal weight, and also to keep your rabbit happy. Unlike other small pets like gerbils and hamsters, bunnies have distinct personalities and can turn lethargic or listless if left by themselves for long periods of time. Let your bunny out of his or her cage each day for supervised playtime. This can be done indoors or outdoors, as long as you keep an eye on the bunny so that he or she does not get into any trouble. Inside your bunny's cage, provide toys that he or she can chew on or move around to keep busy during the day.

Handling your bunny is also very important to form a bond between you and the bunny. This relationship will keep your bunny happy, and also make your bunny part of your family. To pick up your bunny, approach him or her slowly and gently scoop him up by sliding your hand under his stomach. Also keep one hand on his back for support as you bring him closer to your body. Holding your rabbit closely like this will create a deep and lasting bond, and let your bunny know that you are its provider.

Alison Wood shares a wealth of information at How To Care for Bunny Rabbits. Learn all about keeping a rabbit as a pet and their complete care from feeding to housing and from bunny behavior to top tips for living with a house rabbit. Take a look at the website today ==>