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Dog Allergy Treatments – Understanding The Different Methodologies

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The problem of frequent allergies in your canine friends is not as uncommon as you might think. In fact one in every three dogs suffers from an allergy in some form or the other. These conditions, just like with humans, may be seasonal in nature or may be chronic issues that they face. But no matter what the reason behind the problem, watching your beloved pet suffering from dog allergies is excruciatingly painful. One too many dog owners will rush to the vet at the first sign of trouble and that, happens to be the right way to go about things. Immediate medical attention can relieve much of the discomfort that your pet might be facing.

There are various types of dog allergy treatments available in today’s medical scenario and your vet will select the one the suits the condition, breed and body type of your pet best. Here are the most common therapies available in this case.


This dog allergy treatment involves injecting vaccinations into the body of your pet to get their immune system to stop overreacting to the allergens in the air. The shots may take up to one whole year to be effective, but once that time passes, then most dogs (up to ¾ of dogs) are protected from allergies. One precaution to keep in mind however, is that your dog should not have any steroids in its system prior to receiving immunotherapy shots as that can create various complications in the treatment.


These medicines are basically aimed at reducing the inflammation and pain that your pet is suffering from as a result of its allergies. This provides the canine with enough relief to allow them to deal with the allergy with their body’s natural healing power. This medicine is also used as an emergency response in case of severe allergies that are constricting body functions.

Symptomatic therapy

This method, as the name suggests, focuses on the symptoms being caused by the allergies, providing much relief from pain to the dog. Of all the dog allergy treatment methods, this is the most homeopathic. Treating allergy of your dog symptomatically involves providing your dog with cool baths that may include the use of medicated shampoos, Epsom salts, or colloidal oatmeal.


These medicines happen to be a popular choice when it comes to canine allergy treatments owing to their effectiveness and inexpensive nature. They provide immediate relief to then dog and are usually required in small doses to create the desired effect and relief. Some antihistamines that you may want to consider giving your dog includes Benadryl, Antarax, Seldane, and Tavist.

Depending upon the severity of the case, your veterinarian will prescribe the best and most effective treatment to get some much needed relief for your pet. Never go for self prescribing any of these medications. Be sure to take consultation from an expert doctor before starting any form of treatment. In case you are looking for more information on dog allergy treatments, visit


Chandler James is celebrated veterinarian and avid writer, whose articles and blogs are a must-read for pet owners looking to understand the biology of their beloved dogs and cats better. He explains treatments and diseases that commonly affect dogs in an easy to understand way to help people in taking care of their pets better. He recommends as the go-to place for all kinds of cat and dog allergy treatments.