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Allergies In Pets – A Basic Understanding

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It is not surprising to know that animals, just like humans, face the same health problems. They may not have doctors in their breed like humans do, but still they contract diseases and allergies. Veterinarians are the doctors that specialize in treating animals (and have little to do with Dr. Dolittle.) Anyway, caring for your pet is as essential as playing with it. Be it your dog, your cat, your parrot or anything, it needs care just the same way you yourself do.

Discussing the most common type of health problem in dogs – allergies – the first thing you need to watch out for is your dog scratching away frantically at itself. It is annoying to look at but is extremely uncomfortable for the dog. You would never feel at peace if your own hairy head was itchy, would you? This scratchiness may be caused by the saliva of fleas. Yes, the saliva, and not the flea bite. Some dogs are intensely allergic to flea saliva and this allergy may escalate to something serious if dog allergies treatment is not administered on time. For the allergies that are not as serious and have more to do with flea bites and localized itching, a medicine for itch relief for dogs can be applied topically, or administered as a tablet. Another health problem that dogs face is seizures. The most common cause of seizures is poisoning toxically by lead in the diet or surroundings. In such cases, a veterinarian can perform a diagnosis and come up with the best seizure medications for dogs.

For cats, allergies can directly affect their immune system and become potentially dangerous. It is therefore advised to keep an eye out for itchiness, running eyes and nose, and other allergy symptoms in cats. Your cat may also be allergic to something you are feeding it. You can pinpoint this by observing if your cat itches at its neck or head while eating. If it does, now might be a good time to get a cat allergy treatment. Your cat may also face problems like constipation. You need to monitor its litter box on a frequent basis to make sure the stool your cat passes are normal. If it is hard and small, it indicates that your cat is suffering from constipation. It may also be characterized by the cat making painful sounds while it does the job. Constipation in cats is often caused by lack of fibre in the diet, side effect of some other medication, hairballs, and tangled fur near the concerned area. Cross-check on every detail.. If your cat is currently on medication for some other health problem, you may want to get a stool softener for cats. It will at least reduce its pain during the activity. It will be better to keep a constipation remedy for cats in readiness once the previous medication dose finishes.

Taking care of your pet is just as handful as taking care of a baby. You need to be vigilant. In case you are looking for more information on cat and dog allergy treatments, visit


Chandler James is celebrated veterinarian and avid writer, whose articles and blogs are a must-read for pet owners looking to understand the biology of their beloved dogs and cats better. He explains treatments and diseases that commonly affect dogs in an easy to understand way to help people in taking care of their pets better. He recommends as the go-to place for all kinds of cat and dog allergy treatments.