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Prepare Yourself For Taking Care Of A Dog

29 11:22:06
Dogs are great companions since they're good company and always loyal. That isn't how they come new, though. They need to learn what to do to behave, and they have to be cared for. Learn more about dogs in the paragraphs that follow.

If you have medications at home, ensure that it is safely hidden away and out of the reach of your dog. Even if the dog were to eat a couple of pills, it could have very life threatening effects. Call the vet immediately if you suspect that the dog has swallowed the medication.

If you're training your dog, don't just use verbal commands. Try hand signals as well. Your dog may pick things up much easier when they are given these type of signals. Look at both options and see if one particular way works best.

Think about your own lifestyle when considering the dog breed you want. For example, if you live an active lifestyle it is probably best for you to find an active dog instead of a little dog. When you prefer to stay home, choose a small dog who doesn't need much outdoor time. You and your dog will both be happier if you are a perfect match.

Speak with your vet to see how much you're going to have to feed your dog daily. While there are those that feed their dog whatever it says on the package, this may not be good for your dog and can make it overweight. Speak to the vet about what makes sense for your dog.

Never give your dog a real bone to chew on. Real bones can break into pieces that can then become dangerous due to how sharp and small they can be. Rawhide has been proven to be healthy for your dog. It is excellent for its teeth too, so do not give in to the temptation to give your dog a real bone no matter how hard it begs.

Trim your dog's nails regularly. Once the nails start to curl under, they can cause your dog a great deal of pain. Try trimming them with scissors you buy at the store. If you aren't comfortable with this, invest a little money and take your dog to the groomers.

If you'd like to be a dog owner, but think you might not be able to handle the commitment, consider fostering dogs. Dogs who have been abused or left without a home stay in shelters until someone adopts them. Since there are so many dogs in shelters, there are little resources. Foster one of these dogs to help and see if you wish to care for one.

Avoid keeping your dog outdoors all day, every day. You may see this on TV or in movies, but that doesn't make it right. Your dog may be lonely outside if he is the only dog in your household. You need to bring your dog inside the house when it is inclement weather outside.

You should have a better idea of how you can properly care for your dog. It might seem tough in the beginning, but the tips here have likely given you the proper direction to take. This will help you become a great owner for your dog.