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How To Avoid Your Pets Getting Fleas

27 11:40:18
A lot of fleas at home will make life miserable for you and your pets. Since pets are the most causes of carpet fleas, it is easier to avoid a flea problem than to eliminate a big flea problem.

These 5 steps will help you to prevent a flea outbreak and also how to protect your pets:

1. Keep other animals away from your house.

Your pet generally picks up fleas outside. The fleas come from other animals that hang around your house. Do not leave food outside that will attract stray animals or wildlife, such as possums or raccoons. These animals will bring fleas and they might also carry canine madness.
Keep the animals out of your crawlspace, garret, and other areas around the house. If you rent your house, ask your landlord to screen-seal these areas.
Keep the grass cut down short. The flea eggs and larvae will be more likely to dry out or be killed by the sun.

2. Keep your pets clean.

Wash pets bedding often. Tidy up the bedding by the corners to keep flea eggs from falling onto the floor. A regular washing cycle can kill any flea eggs, as well as the larvae and adult fleas in the pets bedding. Do not add pesticides or other specific products to the laundry.
Vacuum-clean the pets living area often. Vacuum-cleaners will get rid of a lot of flea eggs and the droppings which fleas larvae eat. The vibration from the vacuum cleaner will cause the adult fleas to get out of their cocoons. The vacuum cleaner will gather up the adult fleas. Pay attention to areas wherever pets rest and where they jump down because most of the flea eggs will be at that place. Do not forget the higher areas where cats often prefer to sleep.
Do not let your pets stay in places that you can't clean easily.

3. Flea combs.

A flea comb is a handy tool to get fleas off your cat or small dog, and pets typically enjoy the care and stroking. Flea combs have narrow gaps between the teeth which can remove the adult fleas. Use a flea comb a couple of times a week, and keep a bowl of warm soapy water nearby. When you find a flea, drop it into the soapy water.

4. Find the source.

Whenever you have a flea problem but no pets then look for tunnels or animal beds under your house, in the garret, or near the walls, search the nest or burrow near the area where you find the fleas. Stamp the area so no animals can use the same place anymore. Do not forget to look up. Fleas could perhaps come from the garret if squirrels or other mammals are nesting in that location.

5. Pesticides to control fleas.

Enquire with your veterinarian about certain products that can control fleas upon dogs and cats for a couple of months. A few products can also control ticks. Follow the directions on the pesticide carefully. Many less expensive products for dogs are available at your local shop. Search for a product that contains permethrin. These products come in a small container. Use the product upon the back of your dog according to the directions. Do not use permethrin products on cats. They will make cats very sick. There are flea products for cats available at your local shop too, but they only work for a short time. A flea comb is a good alternative for a cat; it simply takes about 10 minutes to flea comb a cat. Some dogs also show sensitivities to permethrin. So, it is better to consult with your veterinarian about which product is best for your pet.