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Tips To Help You With Your Pets

27 11:39:08
Pets are wonderful things. For most of us, they become a member of our family, an indispensable one. If you are a pet owner or thinking of becoming one, here are some helpful hints you might want to know.

1. Dog Urine in Carpet If your dog can't hold it anymore, don't get to angry. You can get the urine out without much problem. Mix sudsy water with lemon juice and blot the carpet

2. Physically Disciplining Cats You should not hit or swipe at your cat. Instead, discipline them with a water spray bottle. If you do it yourself, the cat will avoid you at all cost.

3. Removing Burrs in Dog Fur Dogs inevitably get all kinds of things in their fir. With burrs, the first step is to smash them with pliers. Next, rub oil into the fur and then pull the burr out.

4. Get A Little Air Pets are like humans. They need to get outside and stop hanging around the house. Take your pet with you when you can.

5. Chocolate and Cats If you are eating, you might want to give chocolate tidbits to your little one. Chocolate is very harmful to cats and can easily result in a visit to the vet.

6. Dogs Urinate on Walks If your dog is urinating frequently on walks, don't worry. He or she is just marking their territory.

7. Pain Killer Misunderstandings Just because your pet is now on painkillers does not mean he is back to normal. The medication is relieving the pain, not curing the problem. Don't assume they are ready to be active again.

8. Exotic Pet Problems It may seem like a good idea to get a unique pet, but be warned. They have unique needs and you may be surprised how much maintenance there is.

9. One Pet or Two If you don't have kids, you need to give some thought to getting a pet. Won't it be bored all day when you are at work? You might want to get two so they can keep each other company.

10. Dog Sits Down Suddenly A dog that sits down suddenly is hurt. He or she has a problem with their back hips. They often will not make a sound, but will refuse to move. See a vet immediately.

Whether you are getting a dog, cat or something more exotic, understanding the needs of your pet is good place to start. Although we all tend to lend human qualities to our pets, they are not human. Make sure you take care of them based on knowledge.