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What to Consider When Picking Fish For Your Freshwater Aquarium

26 9:51:28
The easiest thing to do when you first start setting up your freshwater aquarium is to stock it full of beautiful, exotic, colorful fish. This can lead to loads of trouble in the long run.

Don't do it! Yes, your tank will look great for about a week, then slowly fish will start disappearing, or perhaps fins or tails will start to disappear or looking scraggly.

Guess what? Your favorite fish may be getting eaten or at least attacked by the more aggressive fish in your aquarium.

This can all be avoided by doing a little research. Groundwork will save the lives of your fish in the long run. You'll fall in love with them, even name them, and you don't want to risk losing them to other aggressive fish.

How to Choose Freshwater Fish for Your Aquarium

Here's how I start picking fish out. First, I go to the fish store and pick one that I really, really like. It may be the most colorful. It may be the most beautiful. All I know is that I like it the most.

THEN I talk to the fish store owner or sales people. What type of personality does this fish have? Is it aggressive? Is it calm? Does it get along well with other fish?

THEN I identify other types of fish that have similar behaviors that would get along with the fish I've just chosen. You can mix some top feeders with some bottom dwellers (like sharks and catfish).

There will be lots of varieties that will be less aggressive that will live well together. Sometimes you'll even have to experiment a little and occasionally make a mistake in picking the right fish.

But in the long run you'll have fish that live well together in peace and harmony.

The internet is another great place to do your research. Make lists and compare notes about which types of fish live well together.

Look at their pictures and see which fish appeal to you. You'll probably want a couple of colorful species, and then add some striped ones or some with fancy fins and tails to spruce things up a little.

Here's a partial list of things you'll want to consider when choosing freshwater fish for your aquarium.

Does this fish like open spaces?

Does it like to hide in lots of plants or rocks?

Does it need a special pH level (more acid or more alkaline)?

Is it more aggressive or does it get along well with others?

Is it a top feeder or a bottom dweller?

Does it need lots of space/does it get big?

What is the temperature that it will thrive in?

Is this fish more active or more docile?

Take all these things into consideration and also what you would like for your freshwater aquarium. Perhaps you want it to be calm and zen-like. Or more active and colorful. Maybe you want to stare at it for hours.

The moral of the story is--take your time! In the long run you'll be happy you did because your fish family will be living in harmony and making you happy.