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Socialization and German Shepherd Training

26 9:32:40
Assuming that all German Shepherd dogs are simply aggressive is perhaps the greatest misconception. While it is true that dogs of this breed have a natural tendency to assume control over situations, people must realize that with proper training, German Shepherds can be taught to be obedient and loving companions, just like any other dog.

Therefore, the basis of German Shepherd training is proper socialization. Socializing German Shepherds as in any other dog training method can be a lengthy process, but over the course of things, doing so will definitely prove to be well worth it.

Before anything else, remember that consistency is key. German Shepherds are very intelligent and alert dogs, but during their early years, their attention span can be quite short. It would be helpful to come up with a schedule when it comes to your German Shepherd training plan. Schedule regular walks or trips outdoors and be consistent with the commands that you wish to teach your dog.

If at first your German Shepherd resists, this may be a simple manifestation of its natural instinct to assume control. This is completely normal, and it may simply be your dog抯 way of testing your limits. Whatever the cause, never forget to remind your dog that you are the pack leader. When it comes to German Shepherd Training, remember to be assertive but never resort to physical punishment. Instilling fear on your German Shepherd negates the training process. In effect, it may even increase the chances of making your dog display acts of aggression.

The best approach when it comes to training German Shepherds is using verbal commands. They respond exceptionally well to distinct sounds. Thus, it would be easy for them to learn right from wrong just by hearing the differences in your voice抯 tonality. By combining this method with the use of treats and praise, you can never go wrong.

As early as possible, expose your German Shepherds to new sights, sounds, places, people, and dogs. Since German Shepherds are very pack oriented, being around other dogs may be easier for them to adapt to - but being around people other than the ones in their living environment may require more time.

But once again just by following your training plan with consistency, you can help your German Shepherd develop good social habits. You won抰 have to worry about unstable temperaments and unexpected aggression from your dog. With a German Shepherd, the training process should be a breeze. They are extremely quick learners. As long as they know what is expected of them, they would be just as eager to do what they have to in order to please their masters.