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Can Homemade Dog Food Add Years to Your Dog's Life?

2016/5/4 10:38:13

Choice cuts of beef, juicy chunks of chicken, whole grains and fresh vegetables, all covered in thick creamy gravy, sounds appetizing does it not? What about rotten meat, mouldy grains, pieces of plastic, bones, and euthanatized pets all in a blood and pus sauce, does that sound like something anyone should eat? Of course not!

For millions of pets this is exactly what their masters feed them and they have no choice but to eat it. We are making our pets eat filth that it's making them sick, and often times killing them and we don't even know it.

We blindly trust the slick advertising of the pet food companies and believe that the government wouldn't allow for our dead pets to later be served to our new pets. We are trusting them with our pet's lives and they are lying to us.

What do we do? How do we protect man's best friend? How many years do you want to have your beloved dog, 3 years, 5years or 15 years? If you want your dog to have a long healthy life than the answer is simple we must give them quality homemade dog food, the kind of food they deserve. We can add years to their lives by giving them good wholesome food.

You may be thinking that I am exaggerating things to scare you. I'm not, there's no need to. The colorful bags on the store shelves that picture quality food and happy pets are a ploy. As consumers it is easy for us to believe what we are told, but as the old saying goes don't judge a book by it's cover, don't judge a product by it's label.

Haven't you ever wondered why your hand is shiny and covered in a greasy substance after you put your hand in a bag of dog food? Well I will tell you why. Dog food companies cover their product in grease to make it more palatable to your pet.

Most dogs are too smart to eat the garbage used to make their food, so they cover it to mask what it truly is. Oh, this grease they use is restaurant grease, the kind that sits in big vats in the back of restaurants for weeks if not months. Can you imagine what type of bacteria is in those vats? You know what too much grease in a diet does to a human? It is the same for dogs, it eventually kills them.

To protect your dog you need to be feeding it wholesome nourishing food. After all, that's what you want for yourself, so why should you treat your dog any different? Making home cooked dog food for your pet can be quick and easy and will prolong your dog's life.

If you're still not convinced then let me continue. I'm sure you've driven down the road and seen the carcass of an animal that was hit by a car. Do you remember what that looked like? Would you ever consider stopping to pick up that rotting road kill to bring home and feed your Fido? Well when you buy a bag of commercial dog food from your local market that is exactly what you are doing.

Unbelievable, but it is true. In addition to the rotten beef, bits and pieces of chicken bones and beaks, and dead pet parts you are also feeding your pet road kill. You can keep these disgusting things out of your pet and prolong his life by giving him homemade dog food.

We are poisoning our pets and making them sick by feeding them this mass produced dog food. Their bodies can't process all these bacteria and chemicals without it putting a strain on their systems. They weren't made to digest the garbage put into the commercial dog food we feed them. This food is causing them to get numerous types of cancers, causing their kidneys to fail, and shutting down their organs.

Please, if you do one thing for your pet today, find out how to
protect him! You can increase his lifespan by 134% just go to to discover the secret to prolonging
your dog's life...